LASO Cycle 2

In October 2023, TEA is continuing to offer streamlined, consolidated grant applications, focused on a few grant programs that are bundled and that help accelerate academic gains.

The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) is the next iteration of a universal consolidated application cycle that strategically batches grant funding opportunities that are supporting with continued learning acceleration and innovation opportunities.

LASO Cycle 2 program grants are focused on three of the five learning acceleration strategies: Instructional Materials, More Time and Innovative School Models. Use the links on this page to browse all the grants and read up on each grant's latest news, access to newsletters, program guidelines, contact information, and resources.

For general follow up questions, email For program specific questions, please email the contact for each grant found in their corresponding section below.

LASO Cycle 2 Highlights by the Numbers

Overall Awards

  • 393 total LEAs awarded in LASO Cycle 2 up from 212 awarded in LASO Cycle 1
  • ~$187 million awarded in LASO Cycle 2 through direct grants or in-kind awards

Rural Awards

  • 173 rural LEAs awarded in LASO Cycle 2 up from 77 awarded in LASO Cycle 1
  • Rural LEAs more than doubled in their award totals - over $51 Million, up from $21M in last year's cycle

By Region

  • All but 2 ESC regions saw an increase in the number of awarded LEAs and no ESC region saw a decrease in the number of districts receiving an award.

Strong Foundations Planning Supports (SFP)


  • Past Due: Executed Contract
    • Ensure that you have submitted the Executed Contract to your LEA Google Folder. If you do not have access to your LEA Google Folder, please email
  • Roadmap Planning Tool
    • The Milestone date is 8/16. If you need an extension, please talk to your AP about submitting an extension.

Reminders & Next Steps

LEA Community of Practice

Required LEA CoPs begin in August. They provide a space where you will connect with other district leaders in shared learning, collaboration, problem solving, and innovating. You have two options to attend based on student enrollment. Of course, you are welcome to choose either one based on your availability!



Contact Information

Hannah Cox, Director of HQIM Adoption Supports
Alleigh Nicholls, Program Manager

Strong Foundations Implementation Supports (SFI)

Action Items

  • PAST DUE: Executed Contract
    • Ensure that you have submitted the Executed Contract to your LEA Google Folder. If you do not have access to your LEA Google Folder, please email
  • DEADLINE JULY 31: SFI Contact Form
    • Complete the SFI Contact Form to create a roster for all participants at your LEA.
  • Strong Start Transition Plan
    • Complete the district Strong Start Transition Plan (template provided in Strong Start Implementation Leader Training session). Be sure to share this plan with your approved provider at the initial meeting.
  • Summer Professional Learning
    • Plan with your approved provider for the delivery of summer professional learning for district and school leaders, coaches, and teachers. 
  • Pre-launch and Planning for Implementation
    • Collaborate with your approved provider to receive support for pre-launch best practices, implementation goal setting, and planning for progress monitoring.
    • Submit completed HQIM Implementation Goals and Progress Monitoring Plans to your approved provider by the date agreed upon. 

Reminders and Next Steps 

NEW! Upcoming Leader Community of Practice (CoP) Opportunities:

  • The SFI Implementation Team is excited to announce the opportunity to join a community of practice for leaders to collaborate, reflect, and share experiences. Share this flyer with your team if they would like to know more! Use this form to register for Leader CoP sessions.
  • The SFI Executive Leader CoP sessions provide collaborative learning for district executive leaders implementing HQIM. It is a platform for leaders to engage in short bouts of new learning from a featured keynote speaker, while also experiencing focused small-group discussions. Learn more about available Executive Leader COP Sessions in the July newsletter. 
  • The SFI School Leader CoP sessions allow school and program leaders to continuously improve HQIM practices on campus while building their capacity as instructional leaders. Leaders who attend these sessions will foster resiliency in their schools as they are equipped to support the strong continued use of HQIM for students. Each session will be delivered twice to provide flexibility in the leaders’ attendance. Learn more about available School Leader COP Sessions in the July newsletter. 



Contact Information

Gloria Matthews, Program Lead for Strong Foundation Implementation
(512) 463-7942

Kristi Michaels, Director HQIM Implementation Supports
(512) 470-9235

Technology Lending Grant (TLG)

Program Updates

The TLG awards have been extended until June 30 (previously April 30) to give LEAs more time to use their funds. This means there are two more months in the grant cycle to purchase devices or internet access. The extension benefits the students by providing them with more time to access digital content for the rest of the school year.

Engagement Opportunities

We value our partners in the field and want to stay connected! Whether it’s through site visits, review opportunities, or focus groups, we offer various ways for you to connect with TEA and contribute to the field of education. If you are interested in participating in engagement opportunities, fill out our interest form!



Contact Information

Lisa Walker, Digital Content Manager

Blended Learning Grant (BLG)

Program Updates

[Required] Communities of Practice meetings. 

  • April 2nd 10am -12pm or April 4th 10am - 12pm 
  • Registration link is under “PD Opportunities” in the TEA Learn Canvas Course 

[Due April 5th] Completion of Quarter 3 Data Submission Assignment 

[Request by May 10th] NEW Blended Learning Observation Rubric  

If you would like to give TEA feedback on their draft of the BLG Ecosystem rubric + look-fors, please follow the instructions below: 

[Request] Upcoming Blended Learning walks at your campus? 

  • If you have spring BL walks scheduled soon and would like more peer observers from the BLG cohort, please fill out the BL Learning Walk Form and it can be shared on the Canvas course. 



Contact Information

Michael Strange, Blended Learning Program Manager
(512) 463-9616

Math Supplemental Curriculum Licenses (MSC)

Program Updates

Total Funding Available: ​$25 Million​                           

Range of Award: ​In-Kind Supports Only​

Total Grantees​: 200+ LEAs ​

Timeline​: Ready to Launch for ​Spring of 23-24; Must start by Fall of 24-25               

Next Steps

  • Required: Submit Sample Schedules 
    • Due no later than 30 days after start date. See allocation email for link to submit.
  • Required: Data Monitoring Plan 
    • Due no later than 30 days after start date. See allocation email for link to submit.
  • Work with providers to train staff and roster students.
  • Begin utilizing licenses and monitoring student usage.



Contact Information

Colby Self, Director of Texas Tutoring Supports

Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (APCSP)

Program Updates

TEA's first APCSP Grantee Quarterly Convening

This first convening is scheduled for March 28, 1PM CST. Convening attendance is required for at least one person from each grant-awarded district. The meeting will be to support specific assurances including the naming of a program management Point Person for the grant, the completion of the eGrants process, the submission of a budget, the APCSP course description, and identifying strategies that worked and those that did not. We will discuss district goals, where we are now, and strategies to attain our goals. Convenings will always include the sharing of challenges, their solutions, and celebrations. Register for convening here!

Next Steps

AP CSP Course Description

Write a District Course Catalog description for 2024-2025.

Create a College Board Account

The AP CSP course was developed by the College Board to help meet an imminent need for a computer science prepared workforce.

To offer the AP CSP course, a school must have staff to manage the AP program for the school or district, at least one administrator and one teacher.

  • School administrators must have an account to verify and approve teachers, access the course approval process through the AP Audit, and order AP exams.
  • Teachers must have an account with the College Board to access the course approval process through the AP Audit, submit a syllabus, and gain access to course resources including daily videos, ppt presentations, content reviews, practice exams, and question banks.
  • Students must have an account to access AP Classroom and AP CSP resources, take practice exams and complete teacher assignments. The College Board student account also provides access to scholarship information and additional college and career planning tools and resources.



Contact Information

Kay Humes, Statewide Advanced Academics Coordinator

ADSY Summer Learning Accelerator (ADSY)

Program Updates

Attend the Make-up Grant Kick-Off Call  

Date: March 20, 2024, at 1:00 PM CT

If a representative from your LEA was unable to make the grant kick-off call on March 11th, please register for the make-up call scheduled for March 20th at 1:00 PM.

Visit and bookmark the ADSY SLA Hub 

On the ADSY SLA hub, you’ll find all things related to grant requirements, program design resources, and your LEA’s ADSY SLA folder with a copy of your Strategic Plan for completion by the May 15th deadline.

Complete the ADSY SLA Contact Survey 

Complete the ADSY SLA contact survey to update information for the point of contact serving as the ADSY Summer Learning Accelerator Project Manager for the district and include any additional personnel that will be involved in the work. 

Optional: Attend Office Hours

Attending office hours is a great way to receive additional support while planning for your LEAs first ADSY SLA summer program!

Available Dates:

  • Friday, April 5 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
  • Friday, April 19 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
  • Thursday, May 2 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM

Optional: Grant Supports | Design and Implementation Partner/ Technical Assistance

  • Recording and Slides from the Vendor Fair of ADSY-Approved Vendors 
  • If your LEA is interested in partnering with a technical assistance provider to assist in planning your summer program, we suggest contacting your chosen TA Provider from the list promptly.
  • For the recording- you can begin the Vendor Presentation at 5:16.

Take note:

The Design and Implementation Partner selected will support LEAs in creating the ADSY SLA summer program Strategic Plan to meet goals and ensure high-quality summer programming at the designated PK-5 campuses. As your LEA deliberates on selecting a Design and Implementation Partner, we urge the district summer planning team to contemplate the specific areas of the Summer Learning Framework where they require support and to determine which D&I Partner will assist in achieving your summer program goals.   



Contact Information

Ruchamah Belizor, Summer Learning Models Manager

Pathways in Technology Early College High School (PTECH)

Program Updates

Register for the CCRSM Leadership Summit

CCRSM Leadership Summit: This exciting annual event will convene the statewide CCRSM network. Join ECHS and P-TECH districts, campuses and their partners to collaborate with peers on innovative ideas as we elevate best practices across the CCRSM Network. We hope to see you this coming June 12th -14th, 2024 in Corpus Christi! Register Today!

Timely Topics

Outcomes-Based Measures for the 24 – 25 Program Application Cycle 

The refreshed ECHS Blueprint and P-TECH Blueprint were released in June 2023 and introduced the revised path to designation and updated CCRSM outcomes-based measures (OBM). To receive the designated status, programs with more than five years of operation must meet the revised OBMs.



Contact Information

Darin Ford, CCRSM Coordinator

Early College High School (ECHS)

Program Updates

Register for the CCRSM Leadership Summit

CCRSM Leadership Summit: This exciting annual event will convene the statewide CCRSM network. Join ECHS and P-TECH districts, campuses and their partners to collaborate with peers on innovative ideas as we elevate best practices across the CCRSM Network. We hope to see you this coming June 12th -14th, 2024 in Corpus Christi! Register Today!

Timely Topics

Outcomes-Based Measures for the 24 – 25 Program Application Cycle 

The refreshed ECHS Blueprint and P-TECH Blueprint were released in June 2023 and introduced the revised path to designation and updated CCRSM outcomes-based measures (OBM). To receive the designated status, programs with more than five years of operation must meet the revised OBMs.

Early College High School and Senate Bill 1887

During the 88th Legislative Session, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 8, which aims to improve the transferability and applicability of college credits across institutions. SB 8 amends the definition of Early College High School (ECHS) programs in Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.908 and creates the Texas Direct Degree.

Previous statute required ECHS programs to allow students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and either an associate degree or at least 60 hours towards a baccalaureate degree. SB 1887 requires that ECHS students have the opportunity to earn either an applied or an academic associate degree. Existing ECHS programs are not required to change to their course offerings or pathway, if the ECHS is complying with the requirements that students have the opportunity to earn an associate degree.

Separately, SB 1887 creates the Texas Direct Associate Degree, which is awarded to students who complete the Texas Core Curriculum and one of the seven identified THECB fields of study. The Texas Direct degree allows students to transfer their courses as a block directly to their selected major. ECHS programs are not required to offer the Texas Direct Degree.



Contact Information

Darin Ford, CCRSM Coordinator

School Action Fund (SAF)

Program Updates

SAF Cycle 7 (LASO) Continuation Grant  

To receive SAF Cycle 7 (LASO) Continuation funding, eligible applicants must complete the application for either the 2024-2026 School Action Fund Continuation grant (original Planning grant recipients) or the 2024-2025 School Action Fund Implementation Continuation grant (original Implementation grant awardees).  

1) On the TEA Grant Opportunities website, search for the applicable School Action Fund grant (see above) in the Application Name field. Complete parts 1 (PDF) and part 2 (Excel) of the application.   

2) E-mail completed, signed applications to by 5:00 p.m. CT, May 28, 2024.  

Both Application Part 1 (PDF) and Application Part 2 (Excel) are required when submitting. The application may be signed with a digital ID, or it may be signed by hand and scanned. Then submit via email. 

Training Opportunities

Upcoming TEA Kindergarten–12 STEM Professional Development Dates

Leadership Training

This immersive professional development prepares campus administrators STEM leaders to shape, support, and sustain STEM initiatives within their district or campus. Participants will learn by doing, engaging directly in the instructional approaches most critical to the STEM endeavor: project-based learning, design-based challenges, and computational thinking. Working backward from a model vision for STEM education, the session culminates with leaders collaboratively planning for real-life implementation of STEM programming.  

Teacher Training 

This professional development prepares teachers for successful implementation of STEM instruction in their classrooms by immersing teachers directly in the role of STEM learner, engaging first-hand in high-impact STEM practices such as project-based learning, design-based challenges, and computational thinking. To better understand the role STEM plays in education, educators will make connections between the Texas STEM framework, STEM fluency skills, and contemporary workforce demands. Most importantly, educators will begin embedding these STEM strategies into what matters most—their daily work with students. 

Estimated Funding

Grant Name Estimated Funding Grant Type Estimated Range of Award Estimated Awards 
Strong Foundations Planning (SFP) $20.8 Million Direct Grant $140K to $400K 70-110 LEAs
Strong Foundations Implementation (SFI) $111.2 Million Direct Grant $100K to $5M+ 75-150 LEAs
Technology Lending Grant (TLG)  $5 Million Direct Grant Up to $225K 50-100 LEAs
Blended Learning Grant (BLG) $5.49 Million Direct Grant

Planning —

Strategic Operations —

10 to 12 LEAs for each

Math Supplemental Curriculum (MSC) $25 Million In-Kind Supports No Direct Funding
(In-Kind only)
250+ LEAs
Early College High School (ECHS) $1 Million Direct Grant Up to $100K 10 LEAs
Pathways in Technology ECHS (P-Tech) $1 Million Direct Grant Up to $100K 10 LEAs
School Action Fund (SAF)
*Including SAF ADSY Full Year
$10.6 Million Direct Grant
In-Kind Supports
(per Campus)
36 Campuses
Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles (CSP) $1.2 Million Direct Grant Up to $100K Up to 30 LEAs
ADSY Summer Learning Accelerator $9 Million Direct Grant Up to $25K-$400K 25-35 LEAs


    Application Window | From October 23, 2023 until December 7, 2023, 5pm CST (45 days)
    Awards announced to the field | February 8, 2024
    Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) | February 8, 2024 - April 9, 2024 (60 days)

    Additional Resources & Information

    Title Description

    Overview General Webinar

    The general webinar deck and recording provides information on the following:

    • Overview of Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Cycle II Grant
    • Application Timeline and Key Components
    • Key Resources Available
    Grant-Specific One Pagers

    The LASO Cycle II One Pager Overview document provides key preliminary grant information like: Program Description, Program Commitments, Eligibility, Program Timeline, Funding.

    State Approved Provider List The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) state approved provider list is a pre-vetted list of organizations that TEA has determined have the experience and expertise to support local education agencies (LEAs) with these grant opportunities. The provider list is organized by LASO grant to help LEAs explore available support and provider partnerships. 
    Date Event
    October 18, 2023
    October 19, 2023
    October 26, 2023
    October 30, 2023
    October 31, 2023
    November 1, 2023
    November 2, 2023
    November 3, 2023
      Name Date Time Registration Link
      Strong Foundations Implementation & Planning November 6, 2023 10:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Strong Foundations Implementation & Planning November 9, 2023 1:00 p.m. Registration Link
      Technology Lending Grant November 7, 2023 2:00 p.m. Registration Link  
      Technology Lending Grant November 10, 2023 2:30 p.m. Registration Link  
      Blended Learning Grant (BLG) November 6, 2023 9:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Blended Learning Grant (BLG) November 9, 2023 11:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Math Supplemental Curriculum (MSC) November 9, 2023 10:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Math Supplemental Curriculum (MSC) November 16, 2023 3:00 p.m. Registration Link
      Early College High School (ECHS) November 6, 2023 3:00 p.m. Registration Link
      Early College High School (ECHS) November 7, 2023 10:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Pathways in Technology Early College High School (PTECH) November 7, 2023 3:00 p.m. Registration Link
      Pathways in Technology Early College High School (PTECH) November 8, 2023 1:00 p.m. Registration Link
      School Action Fund w/ ADSY FY November 6, 2023 4:00 p.m. Registration Link
      School Action Fund w/ ADSY FY November 7, 2023 9:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Advanced Principles (AP) Computer Science Principles (CSP) November 9, 2023 4:00 p.m. Registration Link
      Advanced Principles (AP) Computer Science Principles (CSP) November 10, 2023 9:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Additional Days School Year (ADSY) Summer Learning Accelerator November 7, 2023 11:00 a.m. Registration Link
      Additional Days School Year (ADSY) Summer Learning Accelerator November 8, 2023 9:00 a.m. Registration Link