LASO Cycle 3

LASO Cycle 3 application opens in


In October 2024, TEA is continuing to offer streamlined, consolidated grant applications, focused on a few grant programs that are bundled and that help accelerate academic gains. The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) is the next iteration of a universal consolidated application cycle that strategically batches grant funding opportunities that are supporting with continued learning acceleration and innovation opportunities.

LASO Cycle 3 program grants are focused on three of the five learning acceleration strategies: Curriculum & Instruction, More Time and Innovative School Models. 

LASO Cycle 3 consolidated grant application opens October 14, 2024 and closes on December 13, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. CST.

Note: Tentative until final portfolio released in October.

in services and supports
TEA initiatives to support learning acceleration and innovation
LEA program application to access funding

Communication Roadmap

August 2024

Information released: 

  • Grant portfolio 
  • Application timeline 
  • Webinar schedule 

LEA Recommended Actions:

  • Review the grant portfolio and timelines to familiarize themselves with the included supports and services 
  • Register for the webinars 

September 2024

Information released: 

  • General webinar presentation
  • Grant one-pagers

LEA Recommended Actions:

  • Attend the general webinar
  • Review the grant one-pagers to identify the set of grants aligned with meeting the LEA needs

October 2024

Information released: 

  • LASO application opens 
  • Program Specific Webinar presentation 

LEA Recommended Actions:

  • Start the application 
  • Attend the program specific webinars 

November 2024

Information released: 

  • FAQ document
  • Office hours

LEA Recommended Actions:

  • Continue completing the application 
  • Review the FAQ as needed
  • Sign up for office hours for technical assistance or discussion with program teams

December 2024

Information released: 

  • Application closes 

LEA Recommended Actions:

  • Submit the application 

January 2025

Information released: 

  • Interviews (if applicable) 

LEA Recommended Actions:

  • Attend the interviews (if requested) 

February 2025

Information released: 

  • Award Announcement 
  • eGrants application opens 

LEA Recommended Actions: 

  • Review the award letter (if awarded) 
  • Complete the budget in eGrants application 

March 2025

Information released: 

  • Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) released 

LEA Recommended Actions:

  • Review the NOGA and begin implementation and drawdowns 

Grant Portfolio

The following grants are included in LASO Cycle 3 portfolio. The information provided here outlines initial estimates and potential awards for LEAs. Please note that these details are subject to further refinement and updates as the grant process progresses.

Curriculum & Instruction

Rigorous, high-quality instructional materials designed to make up ground and master grade level TEKS

More Time

More time for the students in most need, including expanding instructional time in the summer and with targeted tutoring

Innovative School Models

Innovative school models to incorporate all of the learning acceleration framework

Note: Tentative until final portfolio released in October.

Strategy Grant Estimated Funding Source of Funds Tentative Award Range Tentative Number of Awards
Curriculum & Instruction Strong Foundations Planning $24M Rider 76 (SF)
Rider 94 (HB 1605)
Up to $320K 60-190 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction Strong Foundations Implementation TBD TBD TBD TBD
Curriculum & Instruction Strong Foundations Implementation School Improvement PLC Supports Grant TBD TBD TBD TBD
Curriculum & Instruction Instructional Leadership
(Includes Product and TIL Supports)
Curriculum & Instruction Technology Lending $5M Rider 8 Up to $225K 50-100 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction Blended Learning $6M Rider 68 Up to $500K 10-12 LEAs
Curriculum & Instruction AP Computer Science Principles $1.292M Rider 74 Up to $100K Up to 100 LEAs
More Time Additional Days School Year PEP Summer $750K Rider 39 Up to $125K 6-10 LEAs
Innovative School Models School Action Fund
(with Additional Days School Year Full Year Redesign)
Innovative School Models Early College High School $800K Rider 58 Up to $100K for 8 LEAs
Innovative School Models Pathways in Technology Early College High School  $1M Rider 58 Up to $100K 10 LEAs


  • General Webinar | October 1, 2024 and October 3, 2024 | Registration Links Coming Soon
  • Application Window | October 14, 2024 - December 13, 2024
  • Program Webinar Window | October 17, 2024 - October 25, 2024 | Registration Links Coming Soon
  • Tentative Award Announcement | February 20, 2025
  • eGrants Application | February 20, 2025 - March 24, 2025
  • Notice of Grant Award | March 24, 2025 - May 24, 2025

Webinar Information

ESC Toolkit

Note: Tentative until final portfolio released in October.