General Inquiry

The Office of General Inquiry provides general information relating to the Texas Education Agency and Public Schools. General Inquiry is also responsible for providing support to charter schools and public school districts, educators, administrators, school board members, parents, and agency staff. 

It is also important to note that TEA has jurisdiction over public school districts and charter schools and not other educational or child entities such as private schools, daycares, and universities.

Other Educational & Childcare Entities


Private Schools

Private Schools

Texas Private School
Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC)

3801 N Capital of TX Hwy
Suite E-240 PMB 173
Austin, TX 78746
(512) 499-8377
Childcare Facilities

Childcare Facilities

Texas Health and Human
Services Commission (THHSC)

Office of the Ombudsman
MC H-700
P O Box 13247
Austin, TX 78711-3247
Fax: 1-888-780-8099 (Toll-Free)


Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
1200 E. Anderson Lane
Austin, TX 78752
(512) 427-6101

Office of General Inquiry

The Office of General Inquiry provides general information and resources on matters related to the rights and responsibilities of parents under Chapter 26 of the Texas Education Code (TEC). Parents with concerns about a school should initially address their concern with the appropriate school district administrator. 

Written local grievances about local public school district or public charter school concerns may be filed regarding:

  • Staff hiring and evaluation
  • Classroom assignments
  • Student retention and grading
  • Selection or provision of textbooks and materials
  • Student discipline
  • Facilities
  • Homework practices
  • Use of general education funds
  • Dress codes
  • Educational programs and services provided to an individual student
  • Actions or omissions of a public education agency employee, including an educator, substitute, contractor, or volunteer

Under the rights of parents described in Tex. Educ. Code Sec. 26.011, school districts provide a process for parents or members of the public to present a complaint (which is typically done through the district's written local grievance process.) Before bringing any question regarding school policy or a specific decision affecting a student to the attention of the TEA, the issue should be presented to the responsible parties in this order:

  1. Teachers
  2. School or campus principal
  3. Superintendent of schools
  4. Local board of trustees
  5. The Texas Education Agency

If you have followed the written local grievance policy and procedures in presenting your concerns and still feel that the school has violated the school laws of Texas, you may appeal the local board of trustees' decision to the Commissioner of Education (which you can find more information about here.) However, if the school entity did not follow its own grievance policy and procedures, you can click the tile titled "TEA Complaints."

Please consider your inquiry and select the tile that most accurately represents your question and/or concern. Note that the last tile on the bottom right (Need Help?) will link you to the contact information for the General Inquiries Unit, where you can send an email or leave a voicemail for a staff member to process.

Public School Enrollment

Public School Enrollment

Parents and guardians can find information and resources about school enrollment here.

Educator Resources

Educator Resources

Prospective educators can find information about certification and other educator-specific topics here.

Texas Schools

Texas Schools

Information about school operations and district procedures can be found here.

General FAQ

General FAQ

Answers to commonly asked questions about public education & students in Texas can be found here.

Educators FAQ

Educators FAQ

Answers to commonly asked questions relating to public educators can be found here.

School District Personnel and Administrators FAQ

School District Personnel & Administrators FAQ

Answers to commonly asked questions about school district employees can be found here.

School Board FAQ

School Board FAQ

Answers to commonly asked questions relating to local school boards can be found here.

TEA Help Desk

TEA Help Desk

Information about assessments, virtual school, instructional materials, and more can be found here.

TEA Feedback

TEA Feedback

TEA considers public feedback when planning recommendations and guidance. Find out how to submit your feedback here.

TEA Complaints

TEA Complaints

TEA provides resources and guidance for the submission of a formal complaint. Find out how to submit your complaint here.

Need Help?

Need Help?

Contact the General Inquiries Unit if you need assistance finding specific information or resources on the TEA website.



Special Education Complaints

Parents of special education students with concerns about special education rights can file their complaints directly with the TEA. Please refer to the Division of Special Education's Dispute Resolution Process.

These parents also have additional rights and procedural safeguards under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For more information, please contact the Division of Special Education at (512) 463-9414.

Texas School Laws and Rules

Texas schools and their employees are governed by laws and rules found in the Texas Education Code and the Texas Administrative Code.


Section 504 of the Rehabilitative Act of 1973

For Section 504 Resources, see the district’s Section 504 Coordinator. Discrimination complaints are under the jurisdiction and authority of Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.

For assistance related to civil rights, you may visit the OCR Contact headquarters office in Washington D.C. or the OCR enforcement office serving your state or territory. For further information, please contact:

Office for Civil Rights Dallas Regional Office 
Phone: 214-661-9600 
Toll Free: 1-800-421-3481 
Fax: 214-661-9587 