Certification of Military Veterans, First Responders, and Instructors for the Community College of the Air Force
Effective September 1, 2023, the 88th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 621 establishing provisions for a three-year temporary, non-renewable certificate for military veterans, peace officers, fire protection personnel, emergency medical services personnel, and Senate Bill 544 establishing a one-year, temporary certificate for certain instructors for the Community College of the Air Force.
Select the checklist below for detailed information and step-by-step instructions for the application process.
Below is a list of Career and Technical Education (CTE) certificate areas relevant to House Bill 621 applicants.
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources: Grades 6-12
- Business and Finance: Grades 6-12
- Family and Consumer Science, Composite: Grades 6-12
- Human Development and Family Studies: Grades 8-12
- Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Sciences: Grades 8-12
- Health Science: Grades 6-12
- Marketing: Grades 6-12
- Technology Education: Grades 6-12
- Trade and Industrial Education: Grades 6-12
You can view assignments and the applicable certificates for Career and Technical Education in the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 231, Subchapter E, Divisions 9-25.
To learn more about curriculum, programs, rules, and other information related to Career and Technical Education, visit the CTE Programs of Study webpage.