Tools and Resources

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TEA has a variety of new tools and resources available to support LEAs in addressing the unique needs of highly mobile and at-risk students. This page contains a variety of tools and resources that address the needs of at-risk students broadly.

Tools & Resources

Image of ESSER III one pager

Given that ESSER III funds must be obligated by September 2023 and completely spent by September 2024, the Office of Special Populations and Student Support (OSPSS) at the Texas Education Agency (TEA) wants to remind local educational agencies (LEAs) of the requirements and allowable uses of these funds to meet the unique needs of students adversely impacted by the pandemic.

Download the One Pager


AskTED is an online directory of Texas school information, including charter schools. The directory is primarily used by people seeking contact information for schools, districts, and education service centers. AskTED is a real-time database that is updated regularly by Texas LEAs.

To that end, Texas School Districts and Open-Enrollment Charter Schools are required to have both Homeless and Foster Care Liaisons as individual designated roles for all LEAs. The information must be maintained and stored in AskTED. It is important for LEAs to keep this information regularly updated, so that McKinney-Vento and Foster Care Liaison information is publicly available, and these points of contacts are available to support students and remove barriers related to school transitions and mobility.

 AskTED How-To Guidance

This series of one-pagers guides LEAs with implementing the transition assistance requirements for students who are in foster care or experiencing homelessness. These requirements include:

  • Providing nutrition benefits upon enrollment
  • Holding an enrollment conference
  • Providing student welcome packets
  • Introducing new students to the school

TAC § 89.1605

Download the Toolkit

Nutrition Benefits.PNG