Strong Foundations Planning

Teacher working with students


Strong Foundations Planning (SFP) provides direct grant funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) for technical assistance to develop a strong instructional framework in math or literacy based in the research-based instructional strategies (RBIS) to guide teaching and learning in the LEA.

Grant Information

Eligible applicants are LEAs. LEAs that previously participated in the Strong Foundations Framework Development Grant in school year (SY) 2022-2023 and/or Strong Foundations Planning Grant in SY2023-24 and/or SY2024-2025 are NOT eligible to apply for the same content area awarded in previous grant cycles. Prior grantees are eligible to apply for a new content area.

LEAs looking for support in the following areas are the best fit for grant application:

  • High-quality professional learning (HQPL) on math or literacy RBIS
  • Support in developing an instructional framework in math or literacy to guide key decisions about teaching and learning
  • Diagnostic of the current state of instructional materials and instruction
  • Support in developing an instructional framework rollout plan and deciding whether to adopt high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) to achieve the instructional goals

In SFP grants, LEAs are required to use:

  • Fifty percent (50%) of grant funds to contract with a single, approved provider from the LASO Cycle 3 state-approved provider list for SFP to support grant activities.
  • Twenty percent (20%) of grant funds for additional support from the approved provider and/or salaries or partial salaries for project managers, instructional coaches, or other positions directly supporting grant activities.
  • Thirty percent (30%) of grant funds for other allowable expenses, (e.g., print materials, digital licenses, teacher stipends, instructional coaches).

For information about eligibility requirements, resources, funding, and timelines, review LASO Cycle 3.



Contact Information

Need additional help developing instructional frameworks or creating systems to manage material instruction?

Email us at