2022 Results Driven Accountability (RDA): Determinations and Monitoring

Date:  November 10, 2022
Subject: 2022 Results Driven Accountability (RDA): Determinations and Monitoring
Category: Special Populations and Monitoring
Next Steps:  Share with appropriate local educational agency (LEA) and education service center (ESC) staff


The Texas Education Agency (TEA), per its obligation under 19 TAC § 97.1005, implemented the Results Driven Accountability (RDA) system on August 30, 2022 and related activities, including annual determinations and monitoring and support interventions for the school year (SY) 2022–2023. 

2022 RDA Manual 

The 2022 RDA Manual includes measurement specifications for the RDA indicators and updates from various factors impacting data sources, data collection, and data availability. The measurement specifications and updates pertain to the following three RDA program areas: special education (SPED), other special populations (OSP), and bilingual education/English as a second language/emergent bilingual (BE/ESL/EB). The annual adoption of the 2022 RDA Manual into rule as 19 TAC Chapter 97, Planning and Accountability. Subchapter AA, Accountability and Performance Monitoring. § 97.1005, Accountability Rating System was made effective on August 30, 2022. 

LEA Determinations 

The 2022 Results Driven Accountability (RDA): Performance Framework includes information about the purpose and method for making local educational agency (LEA) determinations for the three RDA program areas. The TEA, per its obligation under 20 USC §1416(a) and 34 CFR §300.600(a)(2), is required to make annual determinations on the performance of LEAs using four determination levels (DLs): Meets Requirements (DL 1), Needs Assistance (DL 2), Needs Intervention (DL 3), and Needs Substantial Intervention (DL 4). Determinations for BE/ESL/EB and OSP are based on the performance levels (PLs) of the program-specific RDA indicators while determinations for SPED are based on the PLs of both the program-specific RDA indicators and four federally required elements (FREs).  

The determinations for each LEA were published on November 7, 2022, in the Ascend Texas application accessible through the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL). Each LEA’s PLs, FREs, and DLs for the three RDA program areas will also be published on the summary page of each 2022 Results Driven Accountability: District Report available on the Results Driven Accountability Data and Reports webpage by November 11, 2022. For assistance accessing the Ascend Texas application, please email the Division of Review and Support at reviewandsupport@tea.texas.gov

Monitoring Activities and Interventions 

For SY 2022–2023, LEAs are selected for monitoring and intervention activities based on their 2021 DLs for cyclical monitoring and their 2022 DLs and significant disproportionality (SD) year 3 designations for targeted monitoring and intensive supports. The criteria for selecting LEAs for interventions is available on the program-specific intervention and guidance webpage (see Review and Support Results Driven Accountability). Although many monitoring requirements remain unchanged from the previous year, all updated monitoring and intervention requirements are described in the 2022–2023 Results Driven Accountability Intervention Requirements, the 2022–2023 Special Populations Monitoring Results Driven Accountability Intervention and Submission Calendar (for BE/ESL and OSP), and the 2022–2023 Special Education Results Driven Accountability Intervention and Submission Calendar.  

Data Issues and Unanticipated Circumstances 

If an unanticipated circumstance impacts an LEA’s ability to meet the required intervention timelines, information detailing the individual circumstances, along with a projected date for completing the interventions, should be submitted by email as soon as possible to the Division of Review and Support at reviewandsupport@tea.texas.gov. Such a request does not defer other requirements contained in this correspondence or other monitoring documents, but it will be considered. 

If data accuracy or integrity issues are identified by the TEA, either during a data review or during the implementation of the required intervention activities, the LEA will be required to address procedural concerns and institute systematic improvements for collecting and submitting data. Data accuracy or data integrity issues may also result in the LEA being subjected to escalated oversight, interventions, and/or sanctions. Should data accuracy or data integrity issues be identified from other monitoring activities the TEA is required to conduct, including monitoring activities related to accreditation determinations or compliance with federal formula or discretionary grant requirements, the LEA will receive notification in a timely manner from appropriate TEA staff. 

RDA Training and Resources 

The Division of Review and Support provides stakeholders with information and resources including the 2022 Results Driven Accountability (RDA): Performance Framework for SPED, BE/ESL/EL, and OSP and the criteria for selecting LEAs for continuous improvement activities for the SY 2022–2023. The 2022 Results Driven Accountability (RDA): Performance Framework and other resources are posted on the Review and Support Resources webpage to support education service center (ESC) and LEA staff. 


If you have questions related to this correspondence, please contact the Division of Review and Support by email at reviewandsupport@tea.texas.gov or by phone at (512) 463-9414.