2017–18 Pilot District Outcomes

Twenty districts, including one charter school, participated in pilot group workshops and meetings during the 2017–18 school year. Of these twenty, twelve submitted a local accountability plan to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that outlined indicators of student outcomes across domains and components. Ten districts and one charter school provided data for 437 campuses ranging from a single campus per district or charter school to 231 campuses across one district. 

The district plans submitted as part of the pilot process are presented for informational purposes. The requirements and guidelines of the local accountability system plan have changed since these plans were developed. Please refer to the 2019 Local Accountability System Manual for current rules.

The following links provide more information for each of the pilot districts and overall “what if” results of the combined state and local accountability ratings.

Downloadable Pilot District Plans -  Local accountability plans for each of the twelve pilot districts

Highlights of the 2017–18 Pilot District Results - Summary of pilot district plans and outcomes

Pilot Year Campus Outcomes - Pilot district campus outcomes by domain, local, state, and combined ratings


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Performance Reporting
Phone: (512) 463-9704
Fax: (512) 936-6431