Charter School Renewals


A charter must apply for renewal five years after the charter is first awarded, and then every ten years thereafter. Rules outlining the renewal process are written in 19 TAC §100.1031 – Renewal of an Open-Enrollment Charter. 

Renewing charter schools must submit a renewal application that will be considered as part of the renewal process. During the renewal process, charter schools will receive further communications and guidance from the charter division regarding their renewal. Charter schools will receive notification from the commissioner regarding their renewal determination at the completion of the renewal process. To assist charter schools in the review of required documents that are submitted as part of the renewal process, a required elements checklist is available for your use.


  • Bob Hope School 
  • Henry Ford Academy Alameda School For Art+ Design 
  • Imagine International Academy Of North Texas 
  • Manara Academy 
  • Texas Leadership Public Schools 
  • Valere Public Schools, Inc. 
  • Betty M. Condra School For Education Innovation 
  • Bloom Academy Charter School 
  • Promesa Academy Charter School 
  • Reve Preparatory Charter School 
  • University Of Texas University Charter School

Renewal Eligibility Requirements

Academic Performance

  • The charter holder has been assigned the highest or second highest performance rating under Subchapter C, Chapter 39, for the three preceding school years. For 2023 renewing schools this is data from 2021-2022, 2018-2019, and 2017-2018 academic accountability ratings.

Financial Performance

  • The charter holder has been assigned a financial performance accountability rating under Subchapter D, Chapter 39, indicating financial performance that is satisfactory or better for the three preceding school years. For 2023 renewing schools this is data from 2021-2022, 2020-2021, and 2019-2020 Charter FIRST ratings.

3-Year F Campus

  • No campus operating under the charter has been assigned an unacceptable performance rating under Subchapter C, Chapter 39, for the three preceding school years or such a campus has been closed. For 2023 renewing schools this is data from 2021-2022, 2018-2019, and 2017-2018 academic accountability ratings.

Renewal Categories

Expedited Renewal

  • Charter school meets all academic renewal eligibility requirements. 
  • Charter school meets all financial renewal eligibility requirements. 
  • Charter school has no campuses rated “F” for three preceding years. 
  • The commissioner has 30 days to grant or deny the expedited renewal application. 

Discretionary Renewal

  • Charter school does not meet the academic or financial standards for expedited renewal.
  • The commissioner has 90 days to grant or deny the discretionary renewal application.


    Contact Information

    For additional support, email the Charter Portfolio Team:

    Jeffrey Koch
    Charter School Portfolio Coordinator
    A-D Charter Schools, M-So Charter Schools, Texas College Prep Academy, Premier High Schools, NYOS

    Mercedes Coleman
    Charter School Portfolio Coordinator
    E-L Charter Schools, KIPP Public Schools, BASIS Texas, School of Science and Technology, Harmony Public Schools

    Laurie McIntyre
    Charter School Portfolio Coordinator
    Sp-Z Charter Schools, Great Hearts, International Leadership Texas, Uplift Education