Texas Title I Priority Schools Grant Teacher and Principal Evaluation Requirement and Timeline Extension

Waiver Request Awarded by U.S. Department of Education for School Improvement Grants Transformation Schools to Extend Timeline for Implementation of Evaluation Systems

SIG Teacher and Principal Timeline Extension Waiver Approval from USDE (137 KB, PDF)

Timeline Extensions

SIG Evaluation Requirement Timeline Extensions (PDF, 741KB) FINAL 6/29/12

TTIPS PDAS Pilot Participants (PDF, 594KB) FINAL 6/26/12

Implementation Timeline Granted in Waiver

Cycle 1

  • 2011-2012 - Develop evaluation systems.
  • 2012-2013 - Pilot evaluations systems for all teachers and principals, at a minimum.  Piloted systems should be capable of being used for decisions regarding, for example, retention, promotion, compensation, and rewards no later than the 2013-2014 school year.

 Cycle 2

  • 2011-2012 - Develop evaluation systems.
  • 2012-2013 - Pilot evaluation systems for all teachers and principals.
  • 2013-2014 - Use evaluation systems in the school for decisions regarding, for example, retention, promotion, compensation, and rewards.

Information and Required Form

Notification Letter to LEAs (35 KB, PDF)

Waiver - Timeline Extension Information (113 KB, PDF)

Evaluation Requirement and Timeline Extension Request Form (193 KB, PDF) - Part 1 Required for all Transformation Campuses DUE Monday, April 23, 2012