Electronic Submissions

Charter schools, regional education service centers (ESCs), and school districts must submit their annual financial report (AFR), district improvement plan for school districts and charter schools), campus improvement plan(s) (for school districts and charter schools), and local evaluations (for school districts and charter schools) in electronic format to the Financial Compliance Division. This page provides information about

  • the documents districts and ESCs must submit,
  • the documents charters must submit,
  • instructions for submitting the required documents, and
  • additional information related to submitting the AFR and related documents.

Important Reminders

  • The Texas Education Code (TEC), §44.008, does not provide for any extension when the date falls on a holiday or weekend. The AFR is not required to be submitted earlier.
  • A complete, board approved, and signed AFR in PDF format and data feed text file must be received through the AUDIT application in the TEA Login (TEAL) secure environment to meet submission requirements.
  • Emailing of the required AFR files does not meet submission requirements.
  • The AUDIT application in TEAL is open 24 hours, seven days a week to accept electronic AFR submissions.

Annual Financial Report Data Feed and PDF Submission Process

The following videos and Power Point presentations provide an overview of the charter school, ISD and ESC annual financial report PDF and data feed submission to the Texas Education Agency through the Audit application in TEAL.   

Charter School

ISD and ESC 

Annual Financial and Compliance Report Submission—Districts and ESCs 

A school district or an ESC must submit the AFR (as a PDF) and related data feed text file to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) through the Audit application in Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL).

A district or ESC submits its AFR through the AUDIT application in the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL). See the appropriate link in the TEAL section below to set up an account. 

Updates to the Data Feed Schedules for FY2023 Submissions

Updates were made to three data feed schedules in the Audit application which will apply to the FY2023 Annual Financial Report (AFR) submissions.

Two columns were added to the Governmental Fund, Balance Sheet (C1) and Governmental Fund, Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance (C2) in the Audit application data feed schedules for the ISDs and ESCs. 

The two columns that were added to both the C1 and C2 are:

  • Other Major Funds (OMF) - this column should include the sum of all other major funds reported on the C1 or C2 schedule which are not one of the major funds already listed (columns 24, 50, or 60).
  • Other Non-Major Funds (ONMF) - this column should include the amounts for the other non-major funds column reported on the AFR.

One new field was added to the J-1 schedule. The new field is on row 8000, column 31. the amount entered in this field should be the total amount of taxes refunded under Section 26.1115, Tax Code, for owners who received an exemption as provided by Section 11.42(f), Tax Code, The amount entered should include both M&O and I&S tax refunds. The amount should also be a positive number with no decimals.

Additional information on these updates can be found in the ISD and ESC data feed manual. In addition, the data feed edit formulas for each schedule have been added to the back of each data feed manual.

Annual Financial and Compliance Report Submission—Charter Schools 

The Audit application PDF and data feed submission process requires that at least one person at the Charter School has TEAL Audit application access to close and finalize the data feed file submission.

A charter school must send its AFR (as a PDF) and related data feed text file to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) through the Audit application in TEAL.

A charter school submits its AFR through the AUDIT application in TEAL. Refer to the appropriate link below to set up an account. 

District and Campus Improvement Plans Submission—Districts and Charter Schools 

A school district or charter school must send in the district improvement plan, campus improvement plan(s), and local evaluations as a PDF to TEA.

TEAL Applications 

Submit the electronic reports through the AUDIT application in TEAL. Refer to the appropriate link below to set up an account.

TEAL Audit Application Roles

The AUDIT application user roles for submitting the AFR, State Compensatory Education (SCE) files, and depository contract information are listed below.

When working with both AFR and depository contract submissions, request the appropriate role:

  • Charter AFR and Depository Contract User,
  • ISD AFR and Depository Contract User, or
  • Governmental charter school personnel will need to request the two roles below:
    • Governmental Charter User - Submits AFR, and
    • Depository Contract User - Submit only depository contract

Users who will be submitting SCE files (that is district and campus improvement plans) must apply for a role which includes: “Submits AFR." 

  • Charter AFR User - Submits AFR
  • Charter AFR and Depository Contract User - Submits AFR and depository contract
  • CPA Personnel - Submits AFR (CPA firm users only) 
  • Depository Contract User - Submit only depository contract
  • ESC User - Submits AFR
  • Governmental Charter User - Submits AFR 
  • ISD AFR and Depository Contract User - Submits AFR and depository contract 
  • ISD User - Submits AFR



Contact Information

Paul Moreno (512) 475-2228 or paul.moreno@tea.texas.gov

Financial Compliance Division

Phone: (512) 463-9095

Fax: (512) 463-1777

Email: schoolaudits@tea.texas.gov