2024-2025 Principal Residency Grant, Cycle 7
This grant program seeks to provide LEAs with an opportunity to increase the number of well- prepared, varied instructional leaders by building sustainable leadership pipelines and growing quality principal residency programs.
Grant Period
From February 16, 2024, to August 31, 2025.
Applications and Award
The following list indicates which applicant(s) are preliminarily selected to receive an award, pending successful completion of fiscal and programmatic review and negotiation.
- 001 Ector County ISD
- 003 San Felipe-Del Rio CISD
- 006 Austin ISD
- 007 Grand Prairie ISD
- 008 Dallas ISD
- 011 Fort Worth ISD
- 016 Richardson ISD
- 019 Denton ISD
- 023 Venus ISD
- 025 Forney ISD
- 030 Lubbock ISD
- 032 Harlingen CISD
- 035 Midland ISD
- 037 Waco ISD
- 039 La Vega ISD