Middle School Advanced Mathematics Program

Teacher helping student

In 2023, Senate Bill 2124 (88th  Texas Legislature, Regular Session) was signed into law, establishing Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.029, Middle School Advanced Mathematics Program. The law requires school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to develop an advanced mathematics program for middles school students that is designed to enable students to enroll in Algebra I in eighth grade. This law has been adopted as state rule in 19 Texas Administrative Code §74.2101, Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Mathematics Instruction.


Proposed Middle School Advanced Mathematics TEKS Public Comment Open: 

At the January 2025 State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting, the SBOE approved for first reading and filing authorization proposed mathematics Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for middle school advanced mathematics. The SBOE is scheduled to consider the proposed TEKS for second reading and final adoption at its April 2025 meeting. 
The official public comment period for the proposed Middle School Advanced Mathematics TEKS is open. To view the proposed revisions and submit public comments, visit
The proposal can be viewed under the heading, Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 111, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter B, Middle School, §§111.29-111.31.
Please be sure to include the grade level, the number of the knowledge and skill statement, and the letter of the student expectation for which you are providing public comment, if applicable. 
Public comments are shared with SBOE members each week during the public comment period. Providing feedback early in the process is the best way to ensure that your feedback will likely impact the final draft. Specific, actionable feedback submitted early in the 32-day timeframe provides SBOE members with more information and time to consider the comment. 
Public Comment Period: February 28, 2025–March 31, 2025
Earliest Possible Date of Adoption: April 2025 SBOE meeting

Crosswalks for Proposed Middle School Advanced Mathematics TEKS: 

Crosswalks between the proposed grades 6, 7, and 8 Middle School Advanced Mathematics TEKS and the mathematics TEKS for grades 6, 7, 8 and Algebra I are now available. The crosswalks compare the organization of the advanced mathematics standards to the grades 6, 7, 8 and Algebra I mathematics TEKS and include explanations. 

Grade 6 Middle School Advanced Mathematics Crosswalk  

Grade 7 Middle School Advanced Mathematics Crosswalk  

Grade 8 Middle School Advanced Mathematics Crosswalk  

Program Requirements 

The purpose of the Middle School Advanced Mathematics Program is to “increase the number of students who complete advanced mathematics course in high school.” To this end, each school district and open-enrollment charter school is required to develop a program to enable students to take Algebra I in eighth grade. Specifically, the law requires LEAs to automatically enroll each sixth-grade student who performed in the top 40 percent on— 

  • the Grade 5 Math STAAR Assessment or 
  • a local measure, that includes
    • the student’s fifth grade class ranking, or
    • demonstrated proficiency in the student’s fifth grade mathematics coursework.

The parent or guardian of a student who has been identified for automatic enrollment in a LEA’s middle school advanced mathematics program may opt the student out of the program.

Middle School Advanced Mathematics Program FAQ

The Middle School Advanced Mathematics Program has been developed to increase the number of student who complete advanced mathematics courses in high school. In an effort to support school districts and open-enrollment charters schools, this page includes responses to questions received by the Texas Education Agency. 

Middle School Advanced Mathematics Program Frequently Asked Questions document is now available.

Resources and Templates