ECE Resources

There are two sections of resources below, "Upcoming Webinars and Office Hours" and "Recorded Webinars and Office Hours."

Upcoming Webinars and Office Hours

The list below shows upcoming professional learning sessions, Office Hours, and/or webinars. Each session has a registration link available.
Title Session Date and Time Registration or Session Link
Prekindergarten Registration and Enrollment Webinar…
ECE Assessments Office Hour and Q&A: August…
ECE Assessments Office Hour and Q&A: September…
Family Engagement Open Office Hours

Recorded Webinars and Office Hours

You can access recorded professional learning sessions, Office Hours, and/or webinars. The list is setup with the most recent sessions at the top.
Title Description Session Date and Time
High-Quality Prekindergarten- Teacher Qualifications Webinar High-Quality Prekindergarten- Teacher Qualifications Webinar
Early Childhood Data Submission Webinar District EC Program Staff and other staff who supports submission of data into ECDS
Prekindergarten Enrollment Toolkit Webinar District EC Program Staff and other staff who supports prekindergarten registration and enrollment
Aligning Technology to Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Settings Aligning Technology to Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Settings
Financial Modeling Resources for Prekindergarten Partnerships Resources for Prekindergarten Partnerships Financial Modeling
Prekindergarten Partnership Webinar This webinar will cover general prekindergarten partnership information for local education agencies (districts and charter schools), who are partnering or would like to implement partnerships.
Best Practices in ECE: Kindergarten Guide — Learning Environments (Webinar 2 of 2) Kindergarten Guide: Learning Environments
Best Practices in ECE: Administrator Guide (Webinar 1 of 1) ECE Administrator Guide
Best Practices in ECE: Prekindergarten Guide — Learning Environments (Webinar 2 of 2) Prekindergarten Guide: Learning Environments
High-Quality Prekindergarten Teacher Qualifications Webinar High-Quality Prekindergarten Teacher Qualifications Webinar
Best Practices in ECE: Kindergarten Guide (Webinar 1 of 2) Kindergarten Guide
Best Practices in ECE: Prekindergarten Guide Webinar 1 of 2 Best Practices in ECE: Prekindergarten Guide Webinar 1 of 2
TECPDS for Administrators This webinar will discuss the benefits and how-tos of using TECPDS as an Administrator who supports early childhood educators.
Early Childhood Data System (ECDS) Assessment Submission Guidance This session provides information regarding the data submission to ECDS for PK and K.
High-Quality Prekindergarten Components: Student Progress Monitoring This session provides information about the HQPK Student Progress Monitoring requirement and how to meet it.
High-Quality Prekindergarten Components: Curriculum This session provides information regarding the HQPK Curriculum requirement and how to meet it.
ECE Office Hours: Prekindergarten Partnerships This session includes discussion of components of prekindergarten partnerships.
High-Quality Prekindergarten Component: Teacher:Student Ratio This session provides information regarding the HQPK Teacher:Student ratio and how to meet it.
Prekindergarten 101 This session provides an overview of Prekindergarten topics, including student eligibility, HQPK, partnerships, etc.
Prekindergarten Registration and Enrollment This session covers prekindergarten registration and enrollment including eligibility information and prekindergarten tuition.
Prekindergarten 3 Webinar and Comparison Resources
Prekindergarten Partnerships Informational Video
High-Quality Prekindergarten Component: Family Engagement