General Resources

This page contains general information and resources to support military-connected students.

Important Contacts

  • Child and Youth Behavioral Military Family Life Counselors, CYB-MFLC offer private and confidential non-medical counseling at no charge to children and family members of active duty, National Guard, Reserve, Department of Defense Civilians, and school staff. They are located on military installations and off-site within public school campuses. Contact your School Liaison Officer or school campus to determine if there is a CYB-MFLC available.
  • Military Liaison Counselors are located off military installations in some school districts in Texas.  They support military students and families and work in partnerships with military installations, community agencies, and area schools to provide outreach services to families who transition in and out of their communities. 
  • School Liaisons are located on military installations and work with families of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard. School Liaisons work to assist families with school transitions, navigating the school system, and accessing educational resources.  SLs also work with leaders of military installations, school and community partners to provide information and access to opportunities for military-connected students.

TEA Resources


  • AskTED is an online directory of Texas schools, including charters. The directory primary is primarily used by people seeking contact information for schools, districts, and education service centers.

Free Prekindergarten Eligibility

  • Students are eligible for enrollment in Pre-K if they are dependents of:
    • active duty uniformed members (parents or official guardians) of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard who have eligible children residing in Texas
    • activated or mobilized uniformed members of the Texas National Guard (army or air guard), or activated or mobilized members of the reserve components of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard who have eligible children residing in Texas
    • uniformed service members who are missing in action (MIA)
  • More information: Early Childhood Education FAQs | Texas Education AgencyTEC §29.153(b)

Statewide (Texas) Military Student Identifier Data Report (2024) - ** NEW **

  • The Agency has developed a data report using 2022, 2023, and 2024 Fall Snapshot PEIMS data (C197) as an opportunity for state and regional partners to gain understanding of statewide and regional data trends regarding Military-Connected Student and Purple Star Campus Designation. The data report provides high-level information regarding the Texas Military Student Identifier (MSI) 2024, including overall statewide counts and trends of military connected students by MSI type, ESC Region, and information on Purple Star Campus Designation (PSCD). 

Student Assessment Division

TEA Performance Reporting

Texas Graduation Requirements

  • Information about Texas high school graduation requirements are provided.

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

  • The Texas curriculum standards, known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS, detail what student should know and be able to do by the end of each subject and grade level.

Special Education

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) (outside source)

  • EFMP is available to active-duty Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, and Reserve service members when a family member has special needs. 
  • They are located on military installations and offer help with: navigating and educating families about ARD, IEPs, and 504 process, help organize paperwork, prepare families for meetings, address concerns, and help resolve issues. 

EFMP + Special Needs | National Military Family Association (NMFA)

  • NMFA provides additional information and resources on the Exceptional Family Member Program for military families with special needs family members.

TEA Special Education Department

  • SPEDTex is a TEA information center that informs and supports parents, teachers, and anyone committed to the success of children with disabilities.

Information Hubs

Military One Source (outside source)

  • Department of Defense funded program providing information on military life at no cost to active duty, Guard, and reserve service members, and their families.

U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) (outside source)

  • Provides outreach to local education agencies to support academic achievement and positive educational opportunities outcomes for military children. 

Military Impacted Schools Association (outside source)

  • A national organization of school superintendents from districts with large military populations.

Texas Veterans Portal

  • This site provides online access to a comprehensive range of information about veteran's benefits, education, employment, and health services.

National Military Family Association (NMFA, outside source)

  • A nonprofit organization that provides: spouse scholarships, camps for military kids, and retreats for families reconnected after deployment and for the wounded, ill, or injured.

Military Rank Insignias 

Common Military Acronyms and Terms