Updated 2023 A–F System Framework Now Available

Date:  March 9, 2023
Subject: Updated 2023 A–F System Framework Now Available
Category: Notice
Next Steps: 

Share with appropriate staff


An updated 2023 A–F System Framework is now available. As part of the continuous improvement process, the agency spent more than two years consulting with stakeholders on enhancements to the accountability system. 

This feedback has been immensely helpful and guided our updates to each of the Preliminary 2023 Frameworks. Today’s framework reflects the original 10 considerations including updates to the proposals in the November and January frameworks, the impact of stakeholder feedback between November and March, and reflects the contents of the proposed rule. The proposed rule, the 2023 Accountability Manual, will be published in mid-April for an additional feedback window prior to becoming rule in summer 2023. 

For additional information on the A–F System Refresh, please visit the 2023 Accountability Development page. 

Please direct questions to the Performance Reporting Division at (512) 463-9704 or performance.reporting@tea.texas.gov.