Guidance for districts and campuses that are no longer identified for improvement

During the 85th Legislature, House Bill (HB) 2263 was passed and amends Texas Education Code (TEC) §39.106(e) to no longer require the campus intervention team to support a campus once it has received an acceptable performance rating. Districts that received an D or F overall or in a Domain in 2018 and are assigned a rating of C or higher in 2019 no longer have required interventions or submissions due to the Texas Education Agency. The same is true for campuses that were IR or received a Met Standard in 2018 and have been assigned a rating of C or Higher in 2019.

However, if your campus developed a turnaround plan in the 16-17, 17-18 or 18-19 school year and received rating of C or Higher implementation of the board approved plan is still required. Campuses must receive two years of an acceptable performance rating to modify turnaround plan.

Exit Criteria for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools

Campuses that do not rank in the bottom five percent of the Closing the Gaps domain for two consecutive years and have increased a letter grade (for example, from F to D or from D to C) on the Closing the Gaps domain will be considered as having successfully exited comprehensive support and improvement status.

Exit Criteria for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Schools

To exit additional targeted support and improvement status, a student group must meet at least 50 percent of the indicators evaluated and meet the targets for the Academic Achievement component in both reading and mathematics.