Required Residential Facility Tracker Data Collection – Students with Disabilities

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Nov. 15, 2018


Required Residential Facility Tracker Data Collection – Students with Disabilities


Action Required


Data Collection

The purpose of this letter is to notify local education agencies (LEAs) of requirements related to the 2018-2019 collection of data for students with disabilities who reside in residential care and treatment facilities (RFs) within the geographic boundaries or jurisdiction of an LEA. For reporting purposes, an RF is considered a facility that provides 24-hour custody or care of students with disabilities 22 years of age or younger for detention, treatment, foster care, or any non-educational purpose.

Each LEA with an RF within its boundaries or jurisdiction, in which students with disabilities reside, must complete the data collection by November 30, 2018. The RF Tracker application will remain open for data entry after November 30, 2018, as LEAs are required to maintain current and accurate records in the system.

The RF Tracker application is accessed through the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL). LEAs that are required to complete the RF student data collection must have a valid TEAL account in order to access the RF Tracker. If you do not have a TEAL account, you may register for one. LEA users who work within a shared services arrangement (SSA) and need access to more than one LEA within the RF Tracker application must complete an SSA application in addition to completing an online request for access.

For LEAs that are reporting data into the RF Tracker application for the first time during the 2018-2019 school year, guidance regarding completion of RF Tracker data can be found on the Special Education RF Intervention Guidance and Resources webpage.

Please note that the prior year’s data will be rolled forward into the 2018-2019 application. It is important that LEAs review all the data that has been rolled forward into the 2018-2019 program year and revise it, as necessary, to accurately reflect the most current information.

If you have questions regarding the content of this communication, please contact the Division of Special Education by phone at (512) 463-9414 or by email at