Charter School Waitlist
The Charter School Waitlist (CSW) is a state reporting feature in the Texas Student Data System (TSDS). Texas Education Code (TEC), §12.1174 (outside source), added by SB 2293, Texas Legislature, 86th Regular Session, 2019, requires the governing body of a charter holder to report certain student enrollment and waitlist data to the Texas Education Agency (TEA). All Open-enrollment charter schools will report Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) Compliant XML data elements for enrollment and waitlist data at the campus level.
The reporting of enrollment and waitlist data into CSW is mandatory for all open-enrollment charter schools. Every charter school must submit the following data for each campus:
- Number of students enrolled at the charter school campus;
- Maximum number of students the charter school campus could provide instruction to without exceeding staffing and facility limitations; and
- Whether the charter school campus uses a waitlist for admission.
Every open-enrollment charter school must submit the following individual student data for each campus:
- TX unique student ID
- Student ID
- First, middle, last name, suffix
- Date of birth
- Sex
- Enrollment or waitlist status
2024 Charter Waitlist Report
The required Charter School Waitlist data is gathered through a special collection with a snapshot of data taken last Friday in September, and finalized reporting is submitted no later than last Friday in October. The 2024 Charter School Waitlist special collection snapshot date was Friday, September 27, 2024, with final reporting due no later than Friday, October 25, 2024. 2024 Charter School Waitlist Report
Reporting for 2025
Open-enrollment charter schools will need to submit their data as of September 26, 2025. The CSW application will be available to load open-enrollment charter school enrollment and waitlist information from September 26, 2025, through October 31, 2026.
Technical Guidance and Further Question
For questions regarding the technical requirements, please review our CSW Technical Guidance Document (PDF, 143 KB). Open-enrollment charter schools should contact their regional education service centers (ESCs) or a certified vendor for CSW training and support. All ESC staff have completed training for TSDS and data loading and will be able to assist in this process. If you have policy questions, please contact the Charter School Authorizing and Administration Division by email at or by phone at 512-463-9575. All technical questions should be submitted using the TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS), which is available through the TSDS Portal.