EPP Reporting Definitions
EPP Observations
This section presents the minimum number of observations required for teacher candidates enrolled in educator preparation programs (EPPs), per 19 TAC Chapter 228. The following PDF forms provide a simplified presentation of the minimum required number of observations, based on the candidate’s assignment and clinical experience type:
- Form A represents the minimum required number of observations for assignments starting 9/1/2024 or after per 19 TAC Chapter 228, Subchapter F, Support for Candidates During Required Clinical Experiences.
- Form B represents the minimum required number of observations for assignments starting 8/31/2024 or before per legacy 19 TAC §228.35(g) and (h).
Late Hire
As defined in 19 TAC §228.2 (35):
A Late Hire is " An individual who is both accepted into an EPP after the 45th day before the first day of instruction and hired for a teaching assignment by a school after the 45th day before the first day of instruction or after the school's academic year has begun".