Certification Announcements and Updates

These announcements include information about educator certification and testing.

Certification Deadlines and Required Tests

The Required Texas Certification Tests chart list the required test and deadlines to apply for certification. For certificates and/or tests set to expire, candidates must meet the deadlines to complete requirements such as testing, coursework, and internships/student teaching by the posted deadline and must also apply and be recommended by their educator preparation program for certification by posted deadline of the specified year.

The required tests below have proposed deadlines to apply for certification that are approaching soon:

Certificate Test Discontinued or to be Discontinued Last Date to Apply and Recommend for Certificate
ELAR: Grades 7-12 231 ELAR 7-12 TExES September 1, 2025
Physical Education: Early Childhood-Grade 12 158 Physical Education EC-12 TExES September 1, 2025
Health: Early Childhood Grade 12 157 Health Education EC-12 TExES September 1, 2025
Special Education: Early Childhood-Grade 12 161 Special Education EC-12 TExES August 31, 2026
Special Education Supplemental 163 Special Education Supplemental TExES August 31, 2026

Virtual Certificate Now Displays Current and Historical Views

The virtual certificate is considered to be the official record of educator certification in Texas that satisfies the Texas Education Code, §21.053(a). The virtual certificate is being updated to show a “current” and a “historical” version. Effective December 16, 2021, educators will have the option to view and print the online version of their certificate record that best meets their needs. The “current” version will only include the list of certificates with active dates, while the “historical” version will include the list of certificates with expired dates. Members of the public will continue to have access to the Certificate Lookup feature on the TEA website to view an educator’s official record of certification if they have the correct name under which the educator obtained his or her certification. Educators with a sanction on their file will have that information appear on both versions of their certificate record.  

The Science of Teaching Reading (STR) Exam

The STR exam will be required for the issuance of five certification fields.  

  • Early Childhood: EC – Grade 3 
  • Core Subjects with Science of Teaching Reading: Early Childhood–Grade 6 
  • Core Subjects with Science of Teaching Reading: Grades 4–8 
  • English Language Arts and Reading with Science of Teaching Reading: Grades 4–8 
  • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies with Science of Teaching Reading: Grades 4–8  

The STR exam will be required for the issuance of intern, probationary, and standard certifications for these certification fields beginning January 1, 2021.   

Teachers who are currently standard certified in Core Subjects: EC-6, Core Subjects: 4-8, English Language Arts and Reading: 4-8, or English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies: 4-8 will not be required to pass the STR exam for renewal of their certificate. The STR exam requirement only impacts candidates seeking certification after Jan. 1, 2021. Additional information can be found by visiting www.tea.texas.gov/str

Early Childhood: Prekindergarten-Grade 3 certificate

To obtain the Early Childhood: Prekindergarten-Grade 3 certificate you must complete an approved Educator Preparation Program. This certificate cannot be added via additional certification by examination.

Document Upload Available in the Educator Certification Online System (ECOS)

Via the "My Documents" tab in ECOS, Educator's have the ability to view documents received by TEA staff and upload documents themselves. Visit the documents upload instructions page for assistance.

School districts and Educator Preparation Programs also have the ability to view documents received by TEA staff and upload documents via the "Documents" tab in ECOS. Please see the Document Upload for Entities instructions for assistance.

Transcripts Now Accepted Electronically from the Institution

Official transcripts can be sent directly from your institution or servicer via email. Your institution should email the transcript directly to OSC75@tea.texas.gov. We will not accept emailed transcripts from you.

Teacher Shortage Areas

The 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 teacher shortage areas are now available.

Test Exemptions for Educators Who Hold a Standard Certificate Outside of Texas

The exemption of Texas tests is for eligible individuals certified outside the state, in accordance with 19 TAC Chapter 152, Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Examination Requirements, §152.1001, Exceptions to Examination Requirements for Individuals Certified Outside the State.

Instructions and required documents have been detailed on the Out-of-State Tests Exemption page

Minimum Salary Schedule

The 2024-2025 minimum salary schedule is now available on the Minimum Salary Schedules page.




Contact Information

Staff in the Division of Educator Certification are also available via the TEA Help desk.
Allow several business days for staff to respond to your ticket.

TEA Help Desk