Discipline Summary Reports

This page last updated August 15, 2020


Discipline Summary Reports include student discipline data in a variety of ways providing overviews of discipline information at the state, region, district or campus level.

The data are compiled from the Summer (Collection 3) Submission of the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS), a statewide data system for public education information in Texas. School districts submit their data, which are defined in a yearly publication, the TSDS TEDS Data Standards.  The links related to discipline data available at Data Submission page of the TSDS TEDS Data Standards includes additional details about discipline data.

A PEIMS record (44425 Disciplinary Action Sub-Category) is required for each disciplinary action taken against a student which results in the removal from any part of their regular classroom program. These data are required by TEC Chapter 37, and by IDEA 2004, which includes students who are receiving special education and related services.

These reports include students enrolled in public school districts and charter schools. The reports do not include students in private schools.

Reported Information

Action counts, student counts, and incident counts

Action counts: Each discipline record is counted as one action. For example, three discipline records of a single student are counted as three actions.

  • Student counts: Each student is counted as one student. For example, one student with three discipline records is counted once.
  • Incident counts: A disciplinary incident number is generated when an incident results in one or more disciplinary actions for one or more students. In some cases, a student may receive more than one disciplinary action for the same disciplinary offense resulting in a district submitting more than one record for the identical incident number. For example, if three students are involved in an incident that results in two disciplinary actions against each of the three students, the incident adds one to an incident count, three to a student count, and six to an action count.

Types of disciplinary actions

Every disciplinary action that results in the removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program is categorized in one of the following general categories:

  • In-School Suspension (ISS),
  • Out-of-School Suspension (OSS),
  • Expulsion,
  • Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), or
  • Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) assignments.

Category: The following categories are included under HEADING and HEADING NAME.

Section A - Participation

A01 Cumulative Year End Enrollment (student counts): Enrollment during the entire year, counting a student who was a member (served two hours or more a day) at some point during the year.

  • A02 Discipline Population (student counts): Counts of students who were disciplined at least once during the year.
  • A03 Discipline Record Count (action counts): Counts of disciplinary actions. Districts submit one record for each disciplinary action.

Section B - Discipline Data Trends

  • B01 Count of Students Expelled to JJAEP (student counts): Counts of students who were placed in a JJAEP at least once during the year.
  • B02 Mandatory Expulsions to JJAEP and B03 Discretionary Expulsions to JJAEP (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in student placements in a JJAEP. A placement of a student in a JJAEP can be mandatory or discretionary, depending on the disciplinary action reason. 
  • B04 Count of Students Expelled (student counts): Counts of students who were expelled, including expulsions to a JJAEP or DAEP and expulsions without specific destinations, at least once during the year.
  • B05 Mandatory Expulsions and B06 Discretionary Expulsions (action counts): Counts of students who were expelled with mandatory or discretionary expulsion actions, including expulsions to a JJAEP or DAEP and expulsions without specific destinations. A DAEP placement or an expulsion of a student can be mandatory or discretionary, depending on the disciplinary action reason. Please see PEIMS Discipline Data - Chart for Determining Mandatory and Discretionary DAEP Placements and Expulsions of the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) for more details.
  • B07 Count of Students Removed to a DAEP (student counts): Counts of students who were placed in a DAEP at least once during the year.
  • B08 Mandatory DAEP Removals and B09 Discretionary DAEP Removals (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in student placements in a DAEP. A placement of a student in a DAEP can be mandatory or discretionary, depending on the disciplinary action reason. Please see PEIMS Discipline Data - Chart for Determining Mandatory and Discretionary DAEP Placements and Expulsions of the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) for more details.
  • B10 Count of Students Suspended in School (student counts): Counts of students who were placed in in-school suspension at least once during the year.
  • B13 Students Suspended Out of School (student counts): Counts of students who were placed in out-of-school suspension at least once during the year.

Section C - JJAEP Expulsions

  • C01 to C07 JJAEP Expulsions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in student placements in a JJAEP by student ethnicity.

Section D - Expulsion Actions

  • C08 to C14 Expulsion Actions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in JJAEP or DAEP placements or expulsions without specific destinations by student ethnicity.

Section E - DAEP Placements

  • C15 to C21 DAEP Placements (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in DAEP placements by student ethnicity.

Section F - Out of School Suspensions

  • C22 to C28 Out of school suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in out-of-school suspensions by student ethnicity.

Section G - In School Suspensions

  • C29 to C35 In school suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in in-school suspensions by student ethnicity.

Students Receiving Special Education Services: Sections H through L display the discipline information of students who are participating in a special education instructional and related services program or general education program using special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special arrangements.

Section H - Special Education JJAEP Expulsions

  • D01 Special Education Students Expelled to JJAEP (student counts): Counts of students receiving special education services who were placed in a JJAEP at least once during the year.
  • D02 Special Education Expulsions to JJAEP and D03 Non Special Education Expulsions to JJAEP (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in JJAEP placements by students’ special education status.

Section I - Special Education Expulsions

  • D04 Special Education Students Expelled (student counts): Counts of student receiving special education services who were expelled, including expulsions to a JJAEP or DAEP and expulsions without a specific destination, at least once during the year.
  • D05 Special Education Expulsions and D06 Non Special Education Expulsions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in expulsions, including expulsions to a JJAEP or DAEP and expulsions without a specific destination, by students’ special education status.

Section J - Special Education DAEP Placements

  • D07 Special Education Students DAEP Placement (student counts): Counts of students receiving special education services who were placed in a DAEP at least once during the year.
  • D08 Special Education DAEP Placements and D09 Non Special Education DAEP placements (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in DAEP placements by students’ special education status.

Section K - Special Education Out of School Suspension

  • D10 Special Education Students Suspended Out of School (student counts): Counts of students receiving special education services who were placed in out-of-school suspension at least once during the year.
  • D11 Special Education Out of School Suspensions and D12 Non Special Education Out of School Suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in out-of-school suspensions by students’ special education status.

Section L - Special Education in School Suspensions

  • D13 Special Education Students Suspended in School (student counts): Counts of students receiving special education services who were placed in in-school suspension at least once during the year.
  • D14 Special Education in School Suspensions and D15 Non Special Education in School Suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in in-school suspensions by students’ special education status.

Economically disadvantaged: Sections M through Q display the discipline information of economically disadvantaged students. Students with an ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE of 01, 02, or 99 (ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE) are classified as economically disadvantaged. Students with code 00 are classified as non economically disadvantaged.

Section M - Economically Disadvantaged Student JJAEP Placement

  • E01 Economically Disadvantaged Students Expelled to JJAEP (student counts): Counts of students classified as economically disadvantaged who were placed in a JJAEP at least once during the year.
  • E02 Economically Disadvantaged Expulsions to JJAEP, E03 Non Economically Disadvantaged Expulsions to JJAEP, and E04 Unknown Economic Status Expulsion to JJAEP (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in JJAEP placements by students’ economically disadvantaged status.

Section N - Economically Disadvantaged Student Expulsions

  • E05 Economically Disadvantaged Students Expelled (student counts): Counts of students classified as economically disadvantaged who were expelled, including expulsions to a JJAEP or DAEP and expulsions without a specific destination, at least once during the year.
  • E06 Economically Disadvantaged Expulsions, E07 Non Economically Disadvantaged Expulsions, and E08 Unknown Economic Status Expulsions: (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in expulsions, including expulsions to a JJAEP or DAEP and expulsions without specific destinations, by economically disadvantaged status.

Section O - Economically Disadvantaged DAEP Placements

  • E09 Economically Disadvantaged Students Placed in DAEP (student counts): Counts of students classified as economically disadvantaged who were placed in a DAEP at least once during the year.
  • E10 Economically Disadvantaged DAEP Placements, E11 Non Economically Disadvantaged DAEP Placements, and E12 Unknown Economic Status DAEP Placements (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in students’ placement in a DAEP by economically disadvantaged status.

Section P - Economically Disadvantaged Out of School Suspensions

  • E13 Economically Disadvantaged Students Suspended Out of School (student counts): Counts of students classified as economically disadvantaged who were placed in out-of-school suspension at least once during the year.
  • E14 Economically Disadvantaged Out of School Suspensions, E15 Non Economically Disadvantaged Out of School Suspensions, and E16 Unknown Economic Status Out of School Suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in students’ out-of-school suspensions by economically disadvantaged status.

Section Q - Economically Disadvantaged In School Suspensions

  • E17 Economically Disadvantaged Students Suspended in School (student counts): Counts of students classified as economically disadvantaged who were placed in in-school suspension at least once during the year.
  • E18 Economically Disadvantaged in School Suspensions, E19 Non Economically Disadvantaged in School Suspensions, and E20 Unknown Economic Status in School Suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in students’ in-school suspensions by economically disadvantaged status.

At-risk: Sections R through V display the discipline information based on students’ at-risk status classifications. At-risk statuses indicate whether a student is currently identified as “at-risk” of not meeting standards or dropping out of school using state-defined criteria (TEC §29.081, Compensatory and Accelerated Instruction). Local criteria are not included in this indicator code.

Section R - At Risk Student JJAEP Placement

  • F01 At Risk Students Expelled to JJAEP (student counts): Counts of students classified as at-risk who were placed in a JJAEP at least once during the year.
  • F02 At Risk Expulsions to JJAEP, F03 Non At Risk Expulsions to JJAEP, and F04 Unknown At Risk Status Expulsion to JJAEP (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in JJAEP placements by students’ at-risk status.

Section S - At Risk Student Expulsions

  • F05 At Risk Students Expelled (student counts): Counts of students classified as at-risk who were expelled, including expulsions to a JJAEP or DAEP and expulsions without a specific destination, at least once during the year.
  • F06 At Risk Expulsions, F07 Non At Risk Expulsions, and F08 Unknown At Risk Status Expulsions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in JJAEP placements by students’ economically disadvantaged status.

Section T - At Risk Student DAEP Placement

  • F09 At Risk Students Placed in DAEP (student counts): Counts of students classified as at-risk who were placed in a DAEP at least once during the year.
  • F10 At Risk DAEP Placements, F11 Non At Risk DAEP Placements, and F12 Unknown At Risk Status DAEP Placements (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in students’ placement in a DAEP by at-risk status.

Section U - At Risk Student Out of School Suspensions

  • F13 At Risk Students Suspended Out of School (student counts): Counts of students classified as at-risk who were placed in out-of-school suspension at least once during the year.
  • F14 At Risk Out of School Suspensions, F15 Non At Risk Out of School Suspensions, and F16 Unknown At Risk Status Out of School Suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in students’ out-of-school suspensions by at risk status.

Section V - At Risk In School Suspensions

  • F17 At Risk Students Suspended In School (student counts): Counts of students classified as at-risk who were placed in in-school suspension at least once during the year.
  • F18 At Risk in School Suspensions, F19 Non At Risk in School Suspensions, and F20 Unknown At Risk Status in School Suspensions (action counts): Counts of actions that resulted in students’ in-school suspensions by at-risk status.

Section W - Reason Incident Counts (G01-G59)

Section X - Discipline Action Counts (H01-G61)

Note: Certain values are masked to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements. Please see the note at the bottom of each report for more details on masking.