Average Daily Attendance and Wealth per Average Daily Attendance

Average daily attendance (ADA) and wealth per average daily attendance have a significant impact on funding. Please see the Texas Public School Finance Overview on the School Finance Manuals page for a detailed explanation of how ADA is calculated and how property value information is used in determining a district’s wealth.


Region and School District ADA Report

File Name Excel PDF

20042005 Through 2022-2023 Region ADA Report

   Excel 292 KB     PDF 1.4 MB


County and School District ADA Report

File Name Excel PDF
2004–2005 Through 2022–2023 County-Level ADA Report  

Excel 337 KB  

PDF 1.8 MB


Wealth per ADA Report 

File Name Excel PDF
20042005 Through 2022-2023 Wealth per ADA Report 

Excel 237 KB

PDF 956 KB