School Safety Vendor Technology Directory

Date:  June 27, 2024
Subject: School Safety Vendor Technology Directory
Category: Information
Next Steps:  Share with all educational service center (ESC) and district safety personnel



The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is committed to supporting local educational agencies (LEAs) in their efforts to improve the safety and security of school facilities for staff, students, and visitors. This To the Administrator Addressed provides information related to the technology vendor directory referenced in Texas Education Code (TEC), Section §48.115.

Vendor Directory Application

In accordance with TEC, §48.115(c-1), the agency shall establish and publish a directory of approved vendors of school safety technology and equipment a school district may select from when using school safety allotment funds. LEAs are not required to use a vendor approved by the agency, and, if a district chooses to purchase technology or equipment from a vendor that is not included in the directory, the district must solicit bids from at least three vendors before completing the purchase.

The agency is currently accepting vendor applications for the following technologies:

The application window will remain open from June 27, 2024, through August 23, 2024, 11:59 p.m. A copy of the vendor survey is available for review. Vendors can apply using the School Safety Vendor Technology Directory Application.

The vendor directory will be posted on the agency website once the review process is complete.


Please visit the School Safety Resources page.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of School Safety and Security at