Mentor Program Allotment Cycle 4 District Application

Date:  September 5, 2024         
Subject: Mentor Program Allotment Cycle 4 District Application
Category: New Teacher Mentoring
Next Steps:  Share with appropriate staff 


The Mentor Program Allotment (MPA) is an optional program that provides school systems with funds to build or sustain robust beginning teacher mentor programs aligned to research-based mentoring best practices with the primary goal of increasing student outcomes through increased beginning teacher retention and effectiveness. For Cycle 4, approved school systems may be awarded three years of continuous funding (school years 2025-2028) contingent upon school system compliance with MPA requirements and availability of funds. On Sept. 6, 2024, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will post the Cycle 4 MPA district application, guidelines, and additional information on the MPA webpage.

MPA Application Timeline

Estimated Date Event
Sept. 6, 2024 MPA Cycle 4 school system application opens
Sept. 6 – Sept. 20, 2024 Applicant questions collected via
Sept. 20, 2024 Deadline to sign up for application info session (sign up sheet)
Sept. 27, 2024 Optional application info session via Zoom
Sept. 30, 2024 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) responses posted to MPA webpage
Nov. 15, 2024 MPA Cycle 4 school system applications due by 5:00 p.m. via Qualtrics
Jan. 10, 2025 Notifications sent to applicants

Additional Information 

  • School systems that receive an allotment must abide by Texas Education Code (TEC) §48.114, §21.458, and 19 TAC §153.1011
  • If school systems’ interest and eligibility exceed the state funding amount, priority will be given based on need. Please see the Cycle 4 Guidelines on the MPA webpage for more information. 
  • The MPA will provide approved school systems with an allotment per beginning teacher who participates in the school system’s mentoring program. Please see the Cycle 4 Guidelines on the MPA webpage for funding details. 

Please reach out to with questions about the MPA application by Sept. 20, 2024. All questions received will be answered through a separate FAQ document and posted to the MPA website on Sept. 30, 2024.