September 29, 2022 Work Session Agenda
State Board for Educator Certification
Work Session Agenda
September 29, 2022 at 10:00 AM
1701 N. Congress Ave. Room 1-104
The Board will meet in open session and after determining the presence of a quorum, discuss the following agenda items:
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome and Overview
3. Review the Context of Texas’ edTPA Pilot.
This item provides the SBEC an opportunity to review and discuss the supports provided throughout the edTPA pilot and cumulative overview of candidate performance data each year of the edTPA pilot.
4. Review Educator Preparation Program Requirements, Educator Preparation Program Accountability, and Educator Certification Requirements.
This item provides the SBEC an opportunity to discuss and provide guidance to staff on potential future rulemaking related to educator preparation program requirements, educator preparation program accountability, and educator certification requirements.
5. Stakeholder Panels
This item provides the SBEC an opportunity to engage with two panels of invited representative stakeholders on policy issues related to educator preparation program requirements, educator preparation program accountability, and educator certification requirements.
6. Adjournment
The Board may go into closed session regarding any item on the agenda to the extent it is authorized to do so pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. The presiding officer of the Board intends to be physically present in Room 1-104, William B. Travis Building, 1701 North Congress Avenue. Some members may attend via videoconferencing.