19 TAC Chapter 100
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Subchapter A. Open-Enrollment Charter Schools
§100.1. Selection Process.
Subchapter B. Home-Rule School District Charters
§100.201. Adverse Action on a Home-Rule School District Charter.
Subchapter AA. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Open-Enrollment Charter Schools
Division 1. General Provisions
§100.1001. Definitions.
§100.1002. Application and Selection Procedures and Criteria.
§100.1003. Application to Dropout Recovery Charters.
§100.1004. Application to Public Senior College or University Charters and Public Junior College Charters.
§100.1005. Notification of Charter Application.
§100.1006. Optional Open-Enrollment Charter Provisions for Contracting and Purchasing.
§100.1007. Annual Report on Open-Enrollment Charter Governance.
§100.1010. Performance Frameworks.
§100.1013. Filing of Documents.
§100.1015. Applicants for an Open-Enrollment Charter, Public Senior College or University Charter, or Public Junior College Charter.
§100.1017. Application of Law and Rules to Public Senior College or University Charters and Public Junior College Charters.
§100.1019. Application to Adult High School Charters.
Division 2. Commissioner Action and Intervention
§100.1021. Revocation and Modification of Governance of an Open-Enrollment Charter.
§100.1022. Standards to Revoke and Modify the Governance of an Open-Enrollment Charter.
§100.1023. Intervention Based on Charter Violations.
§100.1025. Intervention Based on Health, Safety, or Welfare of Students.
§100.1026. Management of Charter Campus(es) Following Revocation, Surrender, or Expiration.
§100.1027. Accountability Ratings and Sanctions.
§100.1029. Agency Audits, Monitoring, and Investigations.
§100.1031. Renewal of an Open-Enrollment Charter.
§100.1032. Standards for Discretionary Renewal.
§100.1033. Charter Amendment.
§100.1035. Compliance Records on Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest, and Restrictions on Serving.
Division 3. Charter School Funding and Financial Operations
§100.1041. State Funding.
§100.1043. Status and Use of State Funds; Depository Contract.
§100.1045. Investment of State Funds.
§100.1047. Accounting for State and Federal Funds.
§100.1049. Disclosure of Campaign Contributions.
§100.1050. Disclosure of Financial Information.
§100.1051. Audit by Commissioner; Records in the Possession of a Management Company.
§100.1052. Final Audit Upon Revocation, Surrender, or Closure of an Open-Enrollment Charter.
Division 4. Property of Open-Enrollment Charter Schools
§100.1063. Use of Public Property by a Charter Holder.
§100.1065. Property Acquired with State Funds Received Before September 1, 2001--Special Rules.
§100.1067. Possession and Control of the Public Property of a Former Charter Holder.
§100.1069. Rights and Duties Not Affected.
§100.1071. Real Property Held in Trust.
§100.1073. Improvements to Real Property.
Division 5. Charter School Governance
§100.1101. Delegation of Powers and Duties.
§100.1102. Training for Members of Governing Bodies of Charter Holder and School.
§100.1103. Training for Chief Executive and Central Administrative Officers.
§100.1104. Training for Campus Administrative Officers.
§100.1105. Training for Business Managers.
§100.1106. Exemption for Participation in a Shared Services Cooperative.
§100.1107. Course Providers.
§100.1108. Record of Compliance and Disclosure of Non-compliance.
§100.1111. Applicability of Nepotism Provisions; Exception for Acceptable Performance.
§100.1112. General Nepotism Provisions.
§100.1113. Relationships By Consanguinity or By Affinity.
§100.1114. Nepotism Prohibitions.
§100.1115. Nepotism Exceptions.
§100.1116. Enforcement of Nepotism Prohibitions.
§100.1131. Conflicts of Interest and Board Member Compensation; Exception.
§100.1132. General Conflict of Interest Provisions.
§100.1133. Conflicts Requiring Affidavit and Abstention From Voting.
§100.1134. Conflicts Requiring Separate Vote on Budget.
§100.1135. Acting as Surety and other Conflicts; Criminal Penalties.
§100.1151. Criminal History; Restrictions on Serving.
§100.1153. Substantial Interest in Management Company; Restrictions on Serving.
§100.1155. Procedures for Prohibiting a Management Contract.
§100.1157. Loan from Management Company Prohibited.
§100.1159. Public Records Maintained by Management Company; Contract Provision.
Division 6. Charter School Operations
§100.1201. Voluntary Participation in State Programs.
§100.1203. Records Management.
§100.1205. Procurement of Professional Services.
§100.1207. Student Admission.
§100.1209. Municipal Ordinances.
§100.1211. Students.
§100.1212. Personnel.
§100.1213. Failure to Operate.
§100.1215. Instructional Facilities.
§100.1217. Eligible Entity; Change in Status or Revocation.
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