TEA-Check Register — FY 2025

Payments 9-1-2024 through 8-31-25

This information last updated March 07, 2025

Listed Alphabetically, by Vendor Name  

0-9 | A B | C | F | P

Combined Comma-delimited CSV File

Download the comma-delimited CSV file for importing ALL of the raw data into your own spreadsheet or other application. (Key - Vendor; USAS Process Date; Gross Amount)

This file contains all check register data through the second quarter of fiscal 2025.


This report will grow to a huge size over the course of the fiscal year (over 100,000 lines) and it may take a great deal of time to open it once it does get to that size. Early in the fiscal year it is much less unwieldy.

A warning about using Excel- Excel can manage less than 66,000 lines, leaving any data larger than that out. We recommend saving this file to your hard drive and then opening it with Note Pad or Word Pad.


Contact TEA Accounting at (512) 463-9189 if you have questions concerning this information.