Bluebonnet Learning
About Bluebonnet Learning
Bluebonnet Learning are state-developed instructional materials that provide teachers with the tools to foster student success. Developed using the latest cognitive science, Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials cover 100% of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and provide a full suite of resources including scope and sequence, daily lesson plans, and student materials. All Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials are designed to be high-quality, suitable, and grade-level appropriate.
State-Developed, SBOE-Approved Instructional Materials
The following Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials have been approved through the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process by the State Board of Education (SBOE).
All Bluebonnet Learning materials will be ready for use by students and teachers starting in the 2025–26 school year.
Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Mathematics, Edition 1
- K–5 Mathematics — Kindergarten
- K–5 Mathematics — Grade 1
- K–5 Mathematics — Grade 2
- K–5 Mathematics — Grade 3
- K–5 Mathematics — Grade 4
- K–5 Mathematics — Grade 5
Access to the K-5 math materials requires specific credentials due to the license of those materials. Use the following information to log in to Texas Gateway when prompted:
- Username: IMRAReview2024
- Password: IMRA2024!
Bluebonnet Learning Secondary Mathematics, Edition 1
English Language Arts and Reading
Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Reading Language Arts, Edition 1
Procuring Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Materials
All Bluebonnet Learning materials are created with the intention of printing instructional materials for classroom use. As an open education resource, educators, campuses, and/or any individual can access all Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials digitally, for free.
Printed copies of Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials are available for school systems to procure in the EMAT system.
Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials are available in print through approved vendors. Explore print pricing for all Bluebonnet Learning program print packages available through Region 4's escPrintWorks, an authorized printing vendor.
Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials are state-developed, SBOE-approved open education resources (OER). As such, they qualify for additional funding entitlements established by House Bill (HB) 1605:
- the SBOE-Approved Instructional Materials Entitlement (Texas Education Code (TEC), §31.022, TEC, §48.307)
- the State-Developed Open Education Resource (OER) Entitlement (TEC, §48.308)
School systems can access these funding entitlements by procuring Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials through requisitions in the EMAT system. Visit the Instructional Materials Funding web page to learn more.
For a school system to qualify for the State-Developed OER Entitlement for additional instructional materials procurement funding, the school district’s Board of Trustees must adopt an OER Transition Plan (TEC, §31.0751, TEC, §67.1315). A transition plan is required when:
- initially adopting SBOE-approved instructional materials for any grade level or subject/course; or
- expanding implementation of SBOE-approved instructional materials to additional campuses and/or grade levels.
Transition plans are adopted by the local Board of Trustees before the start of the academic school year and locally maintained by local school systems. The adopted plan will not need to be submitted; however, plans could be requested for review by the commissioner. School systems will report the completion of the transition plan through EMAT.
Learn more about the OER Transition Plan for Bluebonnet Learning by:
- Watching the OER Transition Plan for Bluebonnet Learning webinar (Youtube)
- Looking through the OER Transition Plan for Bluebonnet Learning presentation and accompanying appendix (PDF)
- Downloading the OER Transition Plan for Bluebonnet Learning Template (Word)
Pilot Instructional Materials
Pilot Spanish Language Arts and Reading (SLAR) and Math Spanish Instructional Materials
The pilot Bluebonnet Learning SLAR and Math Spanish Instructional Materials are awaiting review in the SBOE IMRA process. TEA plans to release Spanish instructional materials that align with the English versions of Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math and Bluebonnet Learning K–5 RLA in spring 2025, with the goal of submission to the IMRA 2025 review process.
Data Collection and Privacy Practices
TEA has robust protections in place to guard confidential student data. Bluebonnet Learning Edition 1 instructional materials have a digital component that is only accessible to teachers to view lesson plans and related content. No student-level data is captured digitally. Digital versions of Bluebonnet Learning content for students are limited to PDFs that can be shown on student laptops, although printed versions of the material are preferable for learning. Importantly, no student surveys are ever administered as part of any Bluebonnet Learning materials.
Beyond Bluebonnet Learning, all digital learning products used in schools must comply with federal and state student privacy laws. Any student data collected, in assessments or otherwise, are fully protected by federal law in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g, and Texas Education Code §32 Subchapter D and Texas Government Code §552.114 and §2054. Any digital learning materials made available to school systems by TEA must meet high standards of data privacy and cybersecurity enforced by contract terms and conditions by TEA. Cloud services must comply with the Department of Information Resources TX-Ramp program.