Continuing Professional Education Information

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is required for all Texas educators holding a standard certificate. The appropriate number of clock-hours of continuing professional education (CPE) must be completed during each five-year renewal period (19 TAC §232.11).

All educators must maintain written documentation of all CPE required activities [19 TAC §232.16(a)].

Completion of each CPE activity should be evidenced by documentation (e.g., transcripts, certificates of completion, or attendance logs). The documentation is not required to be submitted at the time of certificate renewal; however, it must be submitted to TEA in case of a certificate audit.

For additional information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs CPE Educators PDF).

NEW — Continuing Professional Education Hardship Exemption Request

A hardship exemption may be requested by a local education agency on behalf of an educator who has an invalid certificate due to lack of earning the required continuing professional education (CPE) hours as prescribed in 19 Texas Administrative Code §232.11. The hardship exemption is valid for the academic year of the application and may be renewed up to one additional academic year, provided that the superintendent or designee of the local education agency requests the extension.

To submit a request for a hardship exemption, the district must complete and sign the Hardship Exemption Form and include information and signature from the teacher. The form must be submitted in the CPE Exemption Request Help Desk system.

For additional information, please review the Frequently Asked Questions document.

Superintendent Required Training

An individual who holds a superintendent certificate that is renewed on or after January 1, 2021, must compete at least 2.5 hours of training every five years on identifying and reporting potential victims of sexual abuse, human trafficking, and other maltreatment of children, in accordance with TEC, §21.054(h). For purposes of this subsection, “other maltreatment” has the meaning assigned by Human Resources Code §42.002.

Entities providing required superintendent training on identifying and reporting potential victims of sexual abuse, human trafficking, and other maltreatment of children to fulfill the 2.5 hour training requirement, must complete the CPE Provider Registration Form for Superintendent Training.

For more information on Child Abuse and Human Trafficking, please visit the following webpages:

CPE Provider Information

The following entities may provide and/or sponsor CPE activities for educators as pre-approved providers and do not have to register with TEA:

The following entities may provide CPE activities for educators once approved as a CPE provider. They must submit the CPE Provider Registration Application to the Texas Education Agency:

  • Professional membership associations or non-profits that have offered professional development in Texas for at least five years and have tax-exempt status, or a state association affiliated with a national association with a tax-exempt status. Submit Sections A & B of the application.
  • Private companies, private entities, and individuals. Submit the entire application.

TEA-Approved CPE Providers List

CPE Provider Requirements

All CPE providers must create their own documentation system [19 TAC §232.21 (b) & (c)] .

At the conclusion of each activity offered for CPE credit, the provider or sponsor must provide each educator in attendance written documentation listing, at a minimum, the following:

  • CPE provider's name and provider number (CPE provider number for school districts, charters, private schools, and institutions of higher education is their assigned County/District number)
  • Educator's name
  • Date and content of the activity
  • Number of clock hours that count toward satisfying CPE requirements

This information may be provided in paper or electronic format. If the entity provides CPE credits through a conference or as a consultant for a school district or regional education service center, the certificates of completion may reflect either the entity’s CPE provider number or the host CPE number as appropriate.

All providers are required to maintain a record of CPE activities conducted that includes a list of attendees, the date and content of the activity, and the number of clock hours that count toward satisfying CPE requirements. Records must be retained for seven years.

CPE providers are expected to notify TEA at any time of any updates on their provider information. Complete and submit the CPE Provider Information Update form for any provider updates.

For additional information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs CPE Providers PDF).