Fingerprinting for Certificate Applicants




Video Tutorial: The Fingerprinting Process for Texas Educator Certification Applicants

The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) requires all applicants to submit fingerprints for a national criminal history background check. This includes applicants for a:

       •   Standard certificate
       •   Probationary certificate
       •   Educational aide certificate 
       •   One-year certificate
       •   Temporary teaching certificate
       •   Permit

The fingerprinting process is initiated once an applicant applies and makes the payment for certification through the Educator Certification Online System (ECOS). At the time the applicant pays for certification, he or she will also be prompted to pay for the fingerprint background check. Certificate applicants residing in Texas must submit their fingerprints electronically, Option 1, using the Texas Department of Public Safety's (DPS) approved vendor, MorphoTrust/Identogo. Once payment for fingerprinting has been submitted in ECOS, the applicant will be "pre-enrolled" and MorphoTrust/Identogo will send the applicant an email that includes information to schedule an appointment. The email will be sent from the address -

Please note that, once pre-enrolled, certificate applicants may also find the information necessary to schedule an appointment in the applicant's ECOS account. After logging in, the certificate applicant should choose 'Fingerprint Status', and he or she will be taken to a screen that displays the UEID number, the service code and a link for appointment scheduling through MorphoTrust/IdentoGo. 

The total fingerprinting background check fee for a certificate applicant in Texas is $49, $39 of which is paid in ECOS via credit card during the application process. An additional $10.00 is paid to MorphoTrust/IdentoGo at the time of appointment scheduling. A valid photo ID is required at the time of the appointment. Texas Education Agency (TEA) receives the fingerprinting results 5-7 business days after the fingerprint appointment.

Out-of-State Electronic Fingerprinting, Option 1

Applicants for certification residing Out-of-State can use an approved Out-of-State MorphoTrust/Identogo fingerprinting location. The applicant will choose option 1, the electronic submission during the application process. The $39 fee for the fingerprint background check is paid in ECOS via credit card. The applicant will receive an email from MorphoTrust/Identogo to schedule the fingerprint appointment.  An additional $10 is paid to MorphoTrust/Identogo at the time of appointment scheduling. A valid photo ID is required at the time of the appointment. TEA receives the fingerprinting results 5-7 business days after the fingerprint appointment.

Out-of-State/Out-of-Country Fingerprint card submission, Option 2

Applicants for certification residing Out-of-State or Out-of-Country who do not have access to printing via the electronic submission of fingerprints, may use the ink and roll card method. At the time the applicant pays for certification, he or she will also be prompted to pay for fingerprints. The applicant will choose option 2, the fingerprint card process. The applicant will be mailed a fingerprint card packet from TEA to the address listed in ECOS with additional instructions once online payment has been made.

The total fingerprinting fee for a certificate applicant is $49, $39 of which is paid in ECOS via credit card during the application process. An additional $10.00 fee will be mailed to MorphoTrust/IdentoGo for scanning of the fingerprint cards. This fee is required whether your prints are digitally scanned or if the ink and roll card is used. Individual law enforcement agencies may assess an additional fee to roll your fingerprints. Note: An employing school district may request you to be fingerprinted again using the electronic fingerprint method. TEA receives the fingerprint card results eight weeks after the fingerprint cards are submitted for processing. 

All applicants for Texas educator certification must complete the national criminal history background check through DPS and FBI. There are no exemptions for those who fingerprinted in another state.