Consumer Information About Educator Preparation Programs

Approved educator preparation programs (EPPs) annually provide the Texas Education Agency and State Board for Educator Certification information about their programs as mandated in Texas Education Code Section 21.0452. This information is posted below to assist individuals interested in obtaining a teaching certificate to select the educator preparation program that best meets their needs. This information is also useful for school districts planning their staffing and recruitment activities.

Additional information on approved educator preparation programs including locations and types of certificate programs offered can be found on the Division of Educator Standards' list of approved programs and the individual program websites. The Educator Preparation Programs Technology Curriculum webpage is a published list of EPP webpage links. This page serves as a resource for persons seeking information concerning activities offered by EPPs related to technology integration, and/or technology curriculum and instruction.

Educator Preparation Data Dashboard

In an effort to make EPP data more consumable and accessible to the public, TEA has created an Educator Preparation Data Dashboard. This multi-source dashboard allows users to find answers to their questions on a range of topics, from general EPP information to specific accountability indicators.

The Performance Indicator page shows the journey of becoming a teacher from initial application to completing 5 years of teaching. The Consumer Information page presents additional EPP-reported data about EPP candidates and completers such as grade point averages and exam pass rates. The Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) dashboard lists the accreditation status of all the EPPs in Texas. Each ASEP indicator (certification pass rates, campus leadership feedback and field observations durations and quality) has an interactive dashboard with customizable visualizations. These dashboards were developed using defined Business Rules. EPP annual reports are linked below on this page.

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View ASEP Dashboards

Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Commendations

Educator preparation programs in Texas are entrusted to prepare educators for success in the classroom. The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) recognizes programs that demonstrate excellence beyond the accountability system. The categories for high-performance include Rigorous and Robust Preparation, Preparing the Educators Texas Needs, Preparing Educators for Long Term Success and Innovative Educator Preparation.

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View EPP Commendation Page

Information about the commendation framework, including information about eligibility and methodology, is contained in 19 TAC 229.

Accountability System for Educator Preparation Annual Reports

Annual educator preparation program reports are brief, 3-page documents that provide a comprehensive view of each Texas educator preparation program, including accreditation and consumer information data, in accordance with Texas Education Code 21.0452.


Manuals / Guides

EPP Accreditation Ratings by Year

Accreditation ratings for EPPs are linked below:

Compliance Reports for Educator Preparation Programs

Compliance reports for educator preparation assure that each Educator Preparation program (EPP) is held accountable for compliance with the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 229 for certification of candidates completing the programs.

Higher Education Act Information

Federally mandated Title II state reports are available below: