Campus Accountability Interventions and Guidance

Intervention Guidance & Tools

The guidance and resources below are specific to campuses are required to engage in interventions and support. Campuses required to engage in school improvement interventions and support are Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) campuses and all LEAs that receive the ESF-Focused Support Grant.

2024-2025 Intervention Guidance & Tools

2023-2024 Intervention Guidance & Tools 

2022-2023 Intervention Guidance & Tools

2021-2022 Intervention Guidance & Tools

The TIP Example is only developed for one Essential Action (EA 5.1) and shows what will be submitted at the Initial TIP submission. An actual campus TIP submission should have 2-3 Essential Actions selected as prioritized focus areas.

Note: Users will need to used login credentials provided during ESF training to download the TIP Example. The Example is located at the bottom of the Overview Training Materials landing page.

Intervention Guidance & Tools for Locally Maintained TIPs

The Excel version of the TIPs below should be used by campuses or districts who are maintaining their TIP locally. Not recipients of the ESF-Focused Support Grant or Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant.  The plan chosen depends on the version of the Effective Schools Framework (ESF) that is being followed by the campus or district.

Note: Campuses/Districts may continue using their locally developed TIP which was downloaded from this page in SY 2021-22.  The 'updated' versions below include a modified Student Data tab that provides space for Domain 2A results.

Campus/District using the 2020-21 ESF

Campus/District that transitioned to the 2021-22 ESF

Contact Information

Division of School Improvement

Texas Education Agency

Phone: (512) 463-5226

Fax: (512) 463-3136
