Texas Formative Assessment Resource

Young students raising their hands in class

What is the Texas Formative Assessment Resource?

The Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) is a free online platform that helps educators design, give, and share formative assessments. Formative assessment data is used to inform teaching decisions and improve instructional support. 

TFAR assessments should be combined with a broader set of classroom formative practices that are part of a coherent instructional framework. The assessments should not replace other ways of checking and monitoring student learning in the classroom.

Who Can Use the Resource?

TFAR is an optional tool available at no cost to Texas public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools and not tied to accountability. To use TFAR, contact your campus or district testing coordinator. 

What Are the benefits of Using the Resource?

Districts that use TFAR may experience the following benefits:

  • Increased Student Access to TEKS Aligned QuestionsTFAR includes released State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) questions and STAAR item-type templates that allow educators to create targeted curriculum-based formative assessment items based on daily instruction. 
  • Increased Familiarity with Testing PlatformTFAR is administered on the same online platform as STAAR, giving students additional opportunity to interact with the system's functionalities, including accommodations and accessibility tools.
  • Access to Real-Time Data on Student LearningResults are reported in the Centralized Reporting System with data on TEKS alignment.

What Other Resources Are Available?

The following trainings are available in the Texas Assessment Program Learning Management System:

  • TFAR Overview
  • TFAR Authoring System


Contact Information

Student Assessment Division

(512) 463-9536

Go to Assessment Help Desk

TFAR Office Hours Booking Site

Use this link to schedule a technical support session or to request ad-hoc trainings.