The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is an English language proficiency assessment aligned to the Texas English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). This assessment is designed to assess the progress that emergent bilingual (EB) students make in learning the English language. TELPAS fulfills ESSA requirements for assessing EB students in kindergarten through grade 12 in four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Grades K–1 include:
- holistically rated observational assessments of listening, speaking, reading and writing
Grades 2–12 include online tests for:
- listening and speaking
- reading and writing
Who Is Tested?
All EB students in kindergarten through grade 12 enrolled in Texas public schools or open-enrollment charter schools are required to participate in TELPAS. EB students are required to be assessed annually with an English language proficiency assessment until they meet EB reclassification criteria.
What Is Tested?
- Grade 2 Constructed Response Scoring Guide
- Grade 3 Constructed Response Scoring Guide
- Grade 4–5 Constructed Response Scoring Guide
- Grade 6–7 Constructed Response Scoring Guide
- Grade 8–9 Constructed Response Scoring Guide
- Grade 10–12 Constructed Response Scoring Guide
- Elementary Sentence Rewrite Scoring Guide
- Middle School Sentence Rewrite Scoring Guide
- High School Sentence Rewrite Scoring Guide
What Do Test Questions Look Like?
Access the online released tests and practice sets on the Practice Test Site.
Access answer keys and specific scoring guides at TELPAS Released Test Questions.
What Is Reported?
- Proficiency Standards
- Statewide Summary Reports
- Statewide Item Analysis Reports
- Raw Score Conversion Tables
- 2023 TELPAS Frequency Distribution
What Other Information Is Available?
Test Administration
- District and Campus Coordinator Resources
- TELPAS Test Administrator Manual (Updated 10/3/2024)
- TELPAS Rater Manual (Updated 10/8/2024)
- TELPAS Paper and Holistic Test Administration Information
- TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors
- TELPAS Student Rating Roster
- TELPAS Writing Collection
- TELPAS Speaking and Writing Scoring Process
- Fall 2024 Updates for STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate
- Making the ELPS-TELPAS Connection Grades K–12 Overview
- Introductory Training on the PLDs Grades K–1
- Introductory Training on the PLDs Grades 2–12
- Grades 2–12 Writing Collection Overview
- Holistic Rating Training
- Glossary of Terms Used in TELPAS Holistic Rating Training
- Annotated Examples of Student Writing