PEIMS Data Standards - 2009-2010
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- Provide descriptions of data elements and the codes used to report them;
- Describe the responsibilities of school districts, education service centers, and the Texas Education Agency in connection with the data submission process; and
- Provide descriptions of the data submission requirements, including submission record layout specifications and data edit specifications.
Addendum Version
The 2009-2010 Addendum Version data standards consist of Sections 1 through 5 and Appendices A through G.
Section 1: Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications
This section provides a general description of PEIMS. It specifies the as-of and due dates for the four data submissions. It also includes a discussion of the various responsibilities of the school districts, education service centers, and the Texas Education Agency.
Section 2: Data Submission Requirements
This section includes a description of each record type, the various record layouts, and reporting examples.
Section 3: Description of Data Elements
This section provides an explanation of the information on each data element page, an alphabetical list of the data elements, and a detailed description of each data element.
Section 4: Description of Codes
This section provides an explanation of the information on each code table page, an alphabetical list of the code tables, and a listing of the codes and translations by table. For convenience, C022 (SERVICE-ID) is provided in both alphabetic and numeric sort order:
- Code Table C022
- Code Table C022
(sorted alphabetically) - Code Table C022
(sorted numerically)
Section 5: Edits
This section provides the record type data element field edits and context edits. Additional edits to check for the reasonableness of the data have been included. There are three types of edits: fatal errors, special warning errors, and warning errors.
Appendix A: Data Overview
This appendix provides a view, by category, of the data to be collected.
Appendix B: Data Elements by Record Type
This appendix provides a detailed view of the data to be collected. Included is a detailed list of the required data elements arranged by the four major data categories: organization, finance, students, and staff.
Appendix C: Cross-Reference Table
This appendix is a listing of the data elements and corresponding or applicable code tables.
Appendix D: Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Standards
This appendix contains an expanded definition and specific guidelines on acceptable documentation for each of the leaver reason codes.
Appendix E: Additional Information Related to Discipline
This appendix describes in greater detail the requirements of TEA Chapter 37 of Discipline Management and the definitions of discipline action reason.
Appendix F: New Federal Requirements for Ethnicity and Race Data Collection and Reporting
This appendix describes in detail the federal reporting requirements for Ethnicity and Race information.
Spanish Version - Ethnicity and Race Questionnaire
This is the Spanish version of the TEA Ethnicity and Race Data questionnaire.
Appendix G: PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) Guidelines - (updated 6/1/09)
This appendix provides details of PID Enrollment Tracking (PET).
Change Documents
The following files illustrate changes in the PEIMS Data Standards between the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school years.
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