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November 2022 Committee on Instruction

November 17, 2022

9:00 a.m.


Members: Sue Melton-Malone, chair; Audrey Young, vice chair; Rebecca Bell-Metereau; Pam Little; and Georgina C. Pérez. A quorum of the State Board of Education may attend the committee meeting and discuss items on the committee agenda.

Public testimony – Individual testimony will be taken at the time the related item comes up for committee discussion or action. The procedures for registering and taking public testimony at State Board of Education committee meetings and general board meetings are provided online.

1. Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter C, Other Provisions, §74.27, Innovative Courses and Programs
(Second Reading and Final Adoption)

This item presents for second reading and final adoption a proposed amendment to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter C, Other Provisions, §74.27, Innovative Courses and Programs. The amendment would update the rule to require that applicants for innovative courses must have piloted the proposed course in a Texas school prior to seeking approval. No changes are recommended since approved for first reading. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.002(f).


2. Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 111, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter D, Other High School Mathematics Courses, §111.56, Advanced Placement (AP) Precalculus (One Credit)
(First Reading and Filing Authorization)

This item presents for first reading and filing authorization proposed new 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 111, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter D, Other High School Mathematics Courses, §111.56, Advanced Placement (AP) Precalculus (One Credit). The proposal would add a new Advanced Placement (AP) mathematics course to align with current offerings from the College Board. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4); 28.002(a) and (c); and 28.025(a).


3. Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter A, Middle School
(First Reading and Filing Authorization)

This item presents for first reading and filing authorization proposed revisions to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter A, Middle School. The proposed revisions would repeal two existing middle school courses, add a new middle school course, and repeal implementation language that will no longer be relevant. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4), 28.002(a) and (c), and 28.016.


4. Approval of Updates and Substitutions to Adopted Instructional Materials

This item provides the opportunity for the committee and board to approve update and/or substitution requests received since the last board meeting. The updated content has been reviewed by subject-area specialists and determined to address the pertinent student expectations in a manner equal to the content initially reviewed and approved by the state review panel. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §31.003 and §31.022.


5. Approval of Agricultural Education Programs List

This item presents the opportunity for the board to review and approve the list of elementary agriculture education programs available for use by school districts and charter schools as required by Senate Bill 801, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §7.102(c)(4) and §29.926.


6. Consideration of Petition for Amendment of Rule Concerning 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter B, Graduation Requirements, §74.12, Foundation High School Program

A petition to amend 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter B, Graduation Requirements, §74.12, Foundation High School Program, has been received from the Texas Speech Communication Association. The petition requests that the rule be amended to allow Oral Interpretation I-III to satisfy a fine arts graduation requirement. This item provides an opportunity for the State Board of Education (SBOE) to consider the petition. Statutory authority is the Texas Government Code (TGC), §2001.021; Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.002 and §28.025; and 19 TAC §30.1.