Professional Development Opportunity: Fine Arts TEKS Overview, Grades K–12


An online professional development course designed to introduce educators to the revised fine arts TEKS will be available in the new year.

 The professional development course is designed to

  • highlight the differences between the existing fine arts TEKS and the revised fine arts TEKS that will be implemented in the 2015–2016 school year, and
  • identify ways teachers can update lessons to meet the requirements of the revised standards.

The course consists of 16 modules that include the following:

  • The Revised Fine Arts TEKS: An Opportunity for Program Improvement
  • The Value of Fine Arts Education: Applying the Revised TEKS (sorted by discipline)
  • A guide to implementation for each discipline and grade band (K–5, 6–8, and 9–12)

Participants may select any of the 16 modules to complete. Those who successfully complete all modules and the assessment will earn eight continuing professional education (CPE) credits.

In addition to the modules, the following resources will be available:

  • Supporting documents that provide information and implementation strategies
  • An online panel discussion that familiarizes ESC specialists and district representatives with the development process for the revised fine arts TEKS and differences between the existing and revised TEKS

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