A Teacher’s Battle with Dyslexia, Inspires Students to Tackle Their Challenges

As someone who has experienced failures and struggles due to dyslexia, Rex Miller rewards his students for their tenacity. It’s also why Mr. Miller works diligently to provide a pathway to success for every student who enters his classroom.
“He is a great guy to have on our campus,” said Cap Roder, principal at Goose Creek ISD’s Stuart Career Tech High School. “Kids come to his classes knowing that he will celebrate their successes and hard work.”
Every year, numerous students take Mr. Miller’s meat processing course where they’re afforded an in-depth look at the process of preparing the meat products in high demand by consumers. Not only are the students discovering the fundamentals of meat processing, they are also jump-starting their postsecondary education.
This year, Mr. Miller’s class shifted into a dual credit course, giving students an opportunity to earn an associate degree in culinary arts. Mr. Miller also formed a partnership with Lee College in Baytown that enables students who participate in the meat processing course or culinary program a chance to earn a trade certification.
“Mr. Miller works hard to make sure the students have everything that they need, and the students respect that,” Roder said.
Mr. Miller’s students also have the opportunity to go out and showcase the skills they’ve acquired in the classroom. Once students have learned the basic techniques of meat processing, they host cook-offs and invite the community to come and enjoy the tasty rewards of their labor.
Whether inside or outside the classroom, the culinary experience Mr. Miller’s students gain provides them with a solid foundation toward acquiring a Career and Technical Education (CTE) certification.