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2021-2025 Rule Review Plan for State Board of Education Rules


SUMMARY: This item outlines the rule review plan for State Board of Education (SBOE) rules during the period of September 2021 through August 2025. Texas Government Code (TGC), §2001.039, requires an ongoing four-year rule review of existing state agency rules, including SBOE rules. The rule review requirement in TGC, §2001.039, is designed to ensure that the reason for initially adopting or readopting a rule continues to exist.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION: Senate Bill 178, 76th Texas Legislature, 1999, amended the TGC by adding §2001.039, which requires the review of existing state agency rules. The rule review requirement in TGC, §2001.039, is designed to ensure that the reason for adopting or readopting the rule continues to exist.

The 2021-2025 SBOE rule review plan reflected in Attachment I repeats the cycle of review that was conducted during the 2017-2021 SBOE rule review period with the addition of new rules that took effect subsequent to the adoption of that plan and the removal of rules that were repealed. The 2021-2025 plan, approved by the SBOE in June 2021, is the seventh rule review cycle of SBOE rules. In accordance with Texas Education Code, §28.002(m), and as was the case with previous rule review plans, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are exempt from the rule review requirement and are not included in the 2021-2025 rule review plan. Although the TEKS will not be reviewed as part of the rule review process, the SBOE conducts a review of the curriculum content on a schedule determined by the SBOE.

The 2021-2025 rule review plan for SBOE rules will appear on an ongoing basis in the information pages of the SBOE agenda. Any necessary modifications to the plan will also appear in the information pages of the SBOE agenda. The rule review plan will also be posted on the agency's website and updated if necessary.

Rule Review Procedures. Secretary of State rules specify the following two-step review process to implement the rule review requirement in TGC, §2001.039:

1.   a Notice of Proposed Review (Intention to review) that announces a public comment period for comments on whether the reason for adopting or readopting the rules continues to exist (see example in Attachment II); and

2.   a Notice of Adopted Review (Readoption) that summarizes the public comments received, if any, in response to the notice of proposed review and provides a response to each comment (see examples in Attachment II).

The rule review process for SBOE rules is illustrated in this item using three examples that present the following points: (1) if no amendments are recommended to rules under review, the item presenting the adoption of the review will complete the rule review process and no further action will be necessary; and (2) if amendments are recommended to rules under review, the item presenting the adoption of the review will complete the rule review process and the amendments will be presented as a separate item under the standard rulemaking process.

Example 1. Rule Review with No Changes

January SBOE Meeting

SBOE Committee

Discussion item briefly describes the rule and specifies that no changes are being recommended.
  Texas Register After the SBOE meeting, staff files Notice of Proposed Review (see Attachment II).
April SBOE Meeting

SBOE Committee and Full SBOE

Action item that presents a summary of comments received, if any, from Notice of Proposed Review. The SBOE authorizes filing the Notice of Adopted Review, noting that no changes are being proposed to the rule as a result of the review.
  Texas Register After the SBOE meeting, staff files Notice of Adopted Review that states the rule will continue to exist without changes (see Attachment II).
(no item at June SBOE Meeting)

Example 2. Rule Review with Changes

January SBOE Meeting

SBOE Committee

Discussion item that briefly describes the rule, outlines issues to be considered, and specifies anticipated changes to the rule.
  Texas Register After the SBOE meeting, staff files Notice of Proposed Review (see Attachment II).
April SBOE Meeting

SBOE Committee and Full SBOE
(first reading)

Separate action items are included in the agenda: one that presents comments received, if any, from Notice of Proposed Review and one that provides the SBOE the opportunity to propose amendments. The SBOE authorizes filing the Notice of Adopted Review and approves the proposed amendments for first reading and filing authorization.
  Texas Register After the SBOE meeting, staff files proposed amendments and the Notice of Adopted Review that states the rule will continue to exist and changes are being proposed (see Attachment II).
June SBOE Meeting

SBOE Committee and Full SBOE
(second reading)

Action item that presents the proposed amendments for second reading and final adoption. Item includes a summary of comments, if any, on proposed amendments.
  Texas Register After the SBOE meeting, staff files adopted amendments.

Example 3. Repeal of Rule under Review

January SBOE Meeting

SBOE Committee
(first reading)

Action item that presents the proposed repeal of rule. SBOE approves proposed repeal for first reading and filing authorization.
  Texas Register After the SBOE meeting, staff files proposed repeal. No Notice of Proposed Review required for repeals.
April SBOE Meeting

SBOE Committee and Full SBOE
(second reading)

Action item that presents the proposed repeal of rule for second reading and final adoption.
  Texas Register After the SBOE meeting, staff files adopted repeal.

Staff Members Responsible:
Cristina De La Fuente-Valadez, Director, Rulemaking
Lynette Smith, Program Specialist, Rulemaking

Attachment I:
2021-2025 Rule Review Plan for State Board of Education Rules

Attachment II:
Sample Notices of Proposed Review and Adopted Review