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April 2015 Consent Agenda

(1) Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 111, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter C, High School, §111.43, Mathematical Models with Applications, Adopted 2012 (One-Half to One Credit)
(First Reading and Filing Authorization)

(Committee on Instruction)

This item presents for first reading and filing authorization proposed amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 111, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter C, High School, §111.43, Mathematical Models with Applications, Adopted 2012 (One-Half to One Credit). The proposal would modify the amount of credit that could be earned for the course and eliminate language requiring a course sequence, which is inconsistent with graduation requirements. Statutory authority for this action is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4), 28.002, and 28.025.

(2) Proposed Repeal of 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development, and 19 TAC Chapter 130, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education
(First Reading and Filing Authorization)

(Committee on Instruction)

This item presents for first reading and filing authorization proposed repeal of 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development, Subchapter A, Middle School, and Subchapter B, High School, and proposed repeal of 19 TAC Chapter 130, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education, Subchapter A, Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Subchapter B, Architecture and Construction, Subchapter C, Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications, Subchapter D, Business Management and Administration, Subchapter E, Education and Training, Subchapter F, Finance, Subchapter G, Government and Public Administration, Subchapter H, Health Science, Subchapter I, Hospitality and Tourism, Subchapter J, Human Services, Subchapter K, Information Technology, Subchapter L, Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security, Subchapter M, Manufacturing, Subchapter N, Marketing, Subchapter O, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and Subchapter P, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics. The proposed repeal would remove the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for career and technical education (CTE) that will be superseded by the new CTE TEKS. The proposal recommends an effective date of the 2017-2018 school year to coincide with the implementation of the revised CTE TEKS. Statutory authority for this action is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4), 28.002, and 28.025.

(3) Ratification of the Purchases and Sales of the Investment Portfolio of the Permanent School Fund for the Months of January and February 2015
(Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund)

This item provides an opportunity for the committee and board to consider approval of the purchases and sales of investments executed in the portfolio of the Permanent School Fund for the months of January and February 2015. Statutory authority for this action is the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §5(f).

(4) Adoption of an Annual Report on the Status of the Bond Guarantee Program
(Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund)

This item provides an opportunity for the committee and board to adopt an annual report on the status of the Bond Guarantee Program. Statutory authority for this action is the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §5(f).

(5) Decision on Real Estate Investments
(Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund)

This item provides an opportunity for the committee and board to review and consider possible real estate investments. Statutory authority for this action is the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §5(f).

(6) Recommendation for Appointments to the Boys Ranch Independent School District Board of Trustees
(Committee on School Initiatives)

This item provides an opportunity for board consideration of two appointments to the board of trustees of the Boys Ranch Independent School District. The appointments are necessary due to the resignation from the term of office for one board member and the expiration of term of office for a second member. Statutory authority for this action is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.352, and 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §61.2.